GHS Community Newsletter Issue #8
3rd June, 2022
A Message From The Principal #8
Principal's Message Week 6, Term 2 2022
Notice of Parents & Friends Annual General Meeting
Our P & F AGM will be held this Monday -6th June commencing at 5.30pm in the Conference Room. We would love to see lots of new faces in attendance to support our small but hard-working team of parents and friends, and also help us celebrate our very successful Election Day BBQ fundraiser recently.
The funds raised go to helping the entire school, including your children so, if you can spare an hour it would be greatly appreciated.
Looking Back
At this time last year we were midway through our second lockdown of the year. Pleasingly there have been no lockdowns this year and our school events, such as the Year 11 Exams, have been able to proceed without disruption (unlike 2021).
Corio Success
Corio has notched up a couple of successes recently, winning the interhouse Tug-of-war competition and the Spelling Bee, proving they have both brains and brawn! Congratulations Corio House!
Long Weekend
Given that the school will be closed for students on Thursday 9th June due to staff professional development, Friday 10th June due to Assessment (Report) Writing and Monday 13th June is the Queen’s Birthday Public holiday, students will have an especially long weekend this year.
Take care and best wishes,
Glenn Davey
Year 7 Camp - Alexander Adventure 2022
Sports News
Congratulations to all our wonderful GHS students for all your effort, hard work and team spirit in the recent sports events. Well done.

Archie Harper, 3rd-13Yr Boys Geelong Cross Country

Raj Kambo, 3rd-16 Boys Geelong Cross Country
2nd place in the 14 Boys Team on points at the Geelong Cross Country

1st place in the 16 Boys Team on points at the Geelong Cross Country. Off to Melbourne to compete in the Western Metro Division in Term 3

Year 8 Boys Soccer & Year 7 Girls Netball
Year 10 students at Deakin University
Year 10 students at Deakin University
All year 10 students had the opportunity to participate in the Employability Challenge at Deakin University and activities at GHS. Students were stretched out of their comfort zone and had to interview lecturers from Deakin, participate in group work and had the opportunity to view the Deakin facilities. A sensational effort Year 10’s it was great to see you grow.
A massive thank you to Deakin University and the DEAP program.
Year 9 Geelong Tertiary Futures Program
Year 9 Geelong Tertiary Futures Program
All Year 9 students have had the opportunity to participate in practical workshops at The Gordon. It has been an exciting term for the Year 9 students to explore Career Pathways, experience VET options and complete their online TAFE modules to receive recognition. Students participated in hospitality, automotive, horticulture, lab skills, make up and animal studies workshops, to name a few. A sensational effort Year 9’s.
A massive thank you to The Gordon and Skilling The Bay for supporting the program.
Trudy Cameron
Careers Expo at Geelong High School
Careers Expo at Geelong High School
Geelong High School welcomed all Victorian Universities onsite to engage in Careers conversations with our Year 12 students. In addition to this, students were also able to talk to TAFE, private providers and gforce to discover pathway opportunities. There was a buzz of excitement in our Library as Year 12 students start to commit to their pathway plans for 2023.
Tanner and Alana working hard at Skilled Stadium, completing an SBAT in Community Services. It is a broad certification that gives them insight into many pathways in community services. The students also complete one day a week with an employer to gain on the ground exposure and experience.
Tara Lynch
ASBA Coordinator

Year 11 OES Lorne Bushwalk
Year 11 Lorne Bushwalk
On Thursday 12th May, 2022 we started our bushwalk through the Otway’s on the outskirts of Lorne. We walked through both wet and dry forest environments as well as coastal environments that supported the ecosystems that rely on that type of environment. We saw many different types of Fauna, including Kookaburras, Black Tailed Wallabies, Eastern Grey Kangaroos, Glow Worms, Trout (brown?), Leeches, Bogong Moths and Cockatoos. We also encountered many types of Flora including Eucalyptus, Sweet Bursaria, Acacias (Wattle), Common Heath, Moss, Tree Ferns and Bracken. I learnt a lot of information regarding the different Flora and Fauna of the Otway’s, the way in which the ecosystems works together and how we used the environment as a resource in the past, as well as putting into practice the ways of experiencing and responding to outdoor environments.
The weather conditions we experienced were fairly good, temperate with patches of sun and cloud cover. The night time temperature was reasonably mild and was comfortable to sleep in. Funny moments included nearly everyone falling in, multiple times, and Jayden getting karma for his decisions. (He fell off a log after being told, "I wouldn’t go that way it will be slippery"). As well as the Mafia games, and James little accident was also pretty funny. We worked as a team during the Valley section, we supported and encouraged each other with all the river crossings and made sure everyone was safe and cared for. My favourite section was all of it! But I particularly loved the Valley section, it was so challenging and so much fun. It completely blew me away and I was just in awe of the environment that I was experiencing. The biggest challenge was the home stretch, my feet hurt a lot and after a whole day of walking I just wanted that pasta and a sleep. I think I was prepared for the environment as I had everything I needed and didn’t get too cold or wet and I didn’t forget something, or if I did I didn’t need it!
Jovita Tasic
Former Geelong High man Ragnar Purje
Year 8 Sport Football & Netball
Students from Year 8 competed in the Boys Football & Girls Netball on Tuesday 24, May. All students contributed to a great day of sport. Well done. A big thank you to Mr Davey, Mr Allitt & Ms Vanderkley for coaching and Connor Blyth & Ollie White for be helpers.
VCAL - Mogg's Creek Camp
Did You Know??
Did you know??
If you miss 5 minutes of class a day then you miss out on more than 16 days of education across the school year!
SchoolTV-Building Resilience Post Pandemic
SPECIAL REPORT: Building Resilience Post Pandemic
Unfortunately, the mental health of young people has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. As many families settle back into pre-COVID routines, there seems to be a pervasive sense of optimism about what lies ahead.
Unfortunately children and teens are not immune to what is now being termed the “psychological pandemic”. Young people are at risk of not achieving the primary demands of developmental tasks such as procuring independence, identity formation, as well as obtaining and maintaining peer relationships. What kids need most in the current environment is support, understanding, empathy and encouragement from caring adults. They live up or down to the expectations we set for them.
If there is a panacea to the adversity caused by the pandemic, then it is the building of resilience. Resilience is the capacity to face, overcome, be strengthened and transformed by adversity. Never before, have parents needed the skills, the knowledge and the strategies to build resilience in their children as much as they do now. There are 7 integral and interrelated components that make up being resilient that can help young people thrive and develop healthy coping strategies.
This Special Report explores the “7 C’s of Resilience” and includes suggested strategies on how adult carers can best facilitate them. We hope you take a moment to reflect on the information offered, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report https://geelonghigh.vic.schooltv.me/wellbeing_news/special-report-building-resilience-post-pandemic