GHS Community Newsletter Issue #8
7th December, 2023
A Message from the Principal
I would like to congratulate Geelong High students for their commitment to their learning and improvement in 2023. Students have taken the many opportunities offered to them throughout the year to participate in a wide range of learning and extra curricula opportunities. They have worked well together, co-operated with their teachers, and have enjoyed their year. You will be reading reports, and these will provide valuable, individualised information regarding your child’s progress in 2023 and strategies to achieve even more in 2024.
Thank you to parents and families for your support of our education partnership. I thank parents for their feedback and support of the teaching staff during the year. It is only together that we can improve and ensure your children are provided an outstanding education.
I would like to thank our dedicated and passionate teaching and support staff who have educated and cared for our students throughout 2023, and who have provided them with so many opportunities and challenges. A special mention to Ms Julianna Garcia, Mr Steve Brown, and Mr Andrew McConchie. They have worked tirelessly to provide a positive learning environment and support all students.
There are so many highlights from 2023 whether that be all the camps, excursions, sport days, Urine Town production, music concerts, to name just a few. I want to publicly thank all the staff for their contribution to the school. The effort all staff put in is amazing and contributes to the positive learning environment.
Over the last few weeks, we have had a highly successful Year 12 Graduation. I am sure all present would agree it was great that we could celebrate the graduating class of 2023. Thanks to all those parents who have ended their formal journey with Geelong High. You are always welcome at our school, and we will remember you all.
We had our end of year Awards Night on the 13th of December and it was great to celebrate all of our award winners and their amazing achievements over the year. Well done to all involved.
In 2024 our numbers continue to be extremely strong with 955 students. We have 168 new Year 7 students. Our school continues to grow and expand.
Over the holiday there will be a considerable amount of work improving the learning environment at school. Work will be taking place on new fencing at the front of the school, painting of a number of areas, new blinds in most classrooms, new carpet in science classrooms, cleaning of concrete areas and furniture in 8 classrooms.
I always write this part of the final newsletter for the year with mixed emotions. I am, like you all, excited by what has been achieved in 2023 and eagerly looking forward to a holiday break. I am anticipating, with excitement, all that awaits Geelong High in 2024. I know that we have hired some outstanding staff to join our team. I have met our new Year 7s and their families. But I also need to farewell and acknowledge the staff who are leaving Geelong High School. In no particular order Ms Kyla Jacques is moving to Queensland, Mr Steve Antonac and Mr Peter Kolsch have now officially retired. Mr Luke Collins has left to work at St Joseph’s flexible unit. Ms Anna Wild has resigned to pursue other opportunities. Ms Nicole Neal has left to pursue other opportunities. Mr Jason D’Offay is moving to Iona College, Mrs Sarah Normington has moving to Clonard College, Ms Lauren Chapman is moving to Geelong College. Mr Warren Finlayson is returning to Northen Bay. Ms Chris Green and Mrs Bernice Brown are on leave in term 1 and then will retire. Our tutors Mrs Julie Stewart and Ms Maureen O’Conner have concluded their contracts with us. Ms April Hoskin is moving to Darwin to teach. Mr Ben Ferguson is moving to Oberon High. In the front office, Ms Lizzie Muhlnickel is moving to Nelson Park, Ms Amanada Tenney is moving to Beemin Secondary, Ms Zukruf Amer is ending her contract with us, Mr Cody Burgess in IT has moved to Apco and Mr Rohan Butler in Hands on learning is moving to Lara Secondary. We also have some staff on leave for 2024. Ms Keely Veenstra in art, Ms Laura Jones in Humanities and Ms Kachia Mann in Maths are taking 12 months leave and Ms Charlotte Mead is on maternity leave. Best wishes Charlotte.
On behalf of the school, I thank all of them for their contribution to the school. I would like to thank these staff for their years of dedication to the education of your children and to their dedication and commitment to making the Geelong High experience an outstanding education.
On a happier note, we welcome a number of new staff for 2024. I know that they will enjoy working with, and contributing to, the Geelong High Community. I look forward to their positive impact on the continued growth and improvement of our school. We welcome the following newcomers: Mr Allen Gilmour (Wood), Ms Sarah Tolley (Leading teacher – House leader Corio/PE), Ms Rebecca Hall (Learning Specialist - Science), Ms Rebcca Evans (Food), Ms Shennie Bennett (English/Humanities), Ms Taylor Cole (English), Ms Tayla Calyton (Art), Mr Arran Gemmill (Science), Ms Ellece Febey (Science), Ms Caitlin Gulli (Science/Maths), Ms Abby Callaghan (Maths/ Science), Ms Ellen Nicholls (Eng/Hums) and returning from leave is Ms Jamilla Cranney and Mr Darren Hobbs (Maths) .
I would like to express on behalf of the whole school community to thank all members on school council. A special mention to Fiona Chipperfield as President. Fiona has led school council for the last 5 years and I can assure all parents that she is always focused on improving the school and raising the concerns and questions of parents.
I wish all members of our school community a happy and safe holiday. I look forward to working and learning with you all again in 2024.
Teaching and Learning: 2024
Firstly, a huge congratulations to all our Year 12 Graduates in 2023. Whilst it has been pleasing to see so many students achieving strong ATAR’s and proceeding into tertiary pathways, it has also been great to see so many of our VM students graduating into apprenticeships, further training and employment. It worth remembering as well at this time that your ATAR does not define you and there are lots of other opportunities in life ahead of you. Well done to all of you for your efforts across your secondary schooling and we wish you all the best in the future.
Model United Nations
We are very pleased to announce that we have again been chosen to host the Government Schools Model United Nations Conference in Geelong in 2024. Next year it will be in Term 2, so keep an eye out for sign up in Term 1. To find out more about Model United Nations access this link: https://www.un.org/en/mun . Closely linked with the real United Nations, the program offers a fantastic opportunity to develop leadership, negotiation, rhetorical communication, global citizenry skills and reasoning. Speak to Mr Houghton to get involved, a huge thank you to him for establishing the program at GHS.
2024 Timetable and Bell Times
In 2024 the school timetable will have some changes that families should note. The new bell times are:
2024 Bell Times
8.42-8:50 |
Warning Bell and Travel Time |
8:50-9:50 |
Lesson 1 |
9:50-10:50 |
Lesson 2 |
10:50-11:20 |
Recess |
11:20-12:20 |
Lesson 3 |
12:20-1:20 |
Lesson 4 |
1:20-2:10 |
Lunch |
2:10-3:10 |
Lesson 5 |
These bell times will be in the diary.
Independent Learning Skills
In 2024 we will continue our focus on making meaningful homework more routine and a key part of the student experience at Geelong High School. Our focus next year will be on developing an Independent Learning Program that supports the Positive Education Learning that students will be doing in Homegroup. In 2023 we saw the reintroduction of a school diary, a new Homework Policy (available on our website) and the implementation of the Year 7 and 8 Homework Support Group. In 2024 we look forward to further developing our provisions and making sure that students develop the skills to independently organise, motivate and drive themselves forward whether in tertiary pathways or the workplace.
School Review
In Term 3 of 2024 the school will undergo a school review with the Department of Education. Parents, students and staff will be asked their views as to how we have progressed towards the goals we set ourselves in 2019, our last review. The review will look primarily at Teaching and Learning, Student Voice and Agency and Student Wellbeing. In his new acting role as Assistant Principal, Mr Envall will be leading the review process under the guidance of the Principal. School evaluation and reflection is an important part of the way we address the needs of all our students and we look forward to a robust process and the development of some new goals for the next phase of our development.
Professional Development
In 2024 we are also excited to announce that we will be working with Bronwyn Ryrie-Jones, an educational consultant, teacher and researcher with Melbourne University. Alongside Bronwyn, teaching staff will be developing their practice through Professional Learning Communities focused on Formative Assessment and Responsive Teaching. These foci have developed from our school Instructional Model and were chosen for the way in which they empower students to take ownership of their own learning, help teachers adjust direct instruction to challenge students and for the body of research suggesting the powerful impact formative assessment has on student learning.

Mathematics in 2024
We are pleased to announce the appointment of our new Head of Maths, Ms Pacitto as our 2023 Maths Leader moves into a new role next year – a big thanks to Ms Chapman for all her drive in this area. The Maths team have been busily preparing for 2024 with some great opportunities that were offered this year being available again next year. There will be a range of incursions and excursions to support, extend and engage students in applying mathematics in real world contexts so students should look for signups early next year.
Reading in 2024
This year Ms Shipp, the Head of English, and the English team have been planning key improvements to our Reading Program with Year 7 classes all increasing their engagement with our state-of-the-art library space and focusing on their reading skills each week. Next year we are taking this further with all students from 7-9 taking part in Reading Conferences regularly and expected to be reading regularly as part of their program. Students who read have a much wider vocabulary, perform higher in their schooling and develop deeper, more critically informed understandings of the world. The holidays are a great time to visit a bookshop or local library to allow students to find the types of books that work for them.

Mobile Phones and Screen Time
Whilst mobile phones and screens have become seemingly ubiquitous in modern society, there is a growing body of research that suggests they can have a negative impact on the development of the teenage brain impacting upon key skills such as studying, concentration, reading and in some cases setting students significantly back in terms of their wellbeing and relationships. The start of a new school year is a great time to reset the ways in which students engage with social media and their devices by establishing healthy practises in the home. Here are three suggestions commonly used by families hoping to encourage healthy use of devices:
- The whole family leaves mobile phones at the door, in a safe place where they can’t impact study or home life.
- 7:30pm equals no devices time – many families have learned that by setting a clear time where devices need to be away, communication, study, sleep and mental health all improve. Have a designated place where the phones go right out of sight.
- Discussing with young people the apps that target them and how susceptible they are to misuse and negative influence, is a good way to keep communication open and set some boundaries around which platforms should not be installed
Accelerated Learning: Acceleration and the ALP
2024 also marks the start of Geelong High Schools Year 7-9 Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) which will be led by Leading Teacher, Ms Kirk. A huge congratulations to those students who applied and were successful – you should be congratulated for challenging yourself and looking for extension. Students in the program will be extended in Maths, English, Humanities and Science.
Whilst the 7-9 ALP program is new next year, all students are able to accelerate from Year 9 at Geelong High School depending on their subjects of personal strength and we have a long tradition of academic extension and challenge for all students. Including 2023, over the last few years our top performing students have often accelerated in one or more subjects, helping to support their very strong outcomes and secure them a place in their chosen tertiary course. It has been fantastic to see so many students pursuing that extra challenge with some even completing a university subject whilst in Year 12. We will also continue to offer the Victorian High Ability Program from Years 7-9; Mr Batters will be emailing families of qualifying students with more information early next year.
For prospective families with a student starting Grade 6 next year who might be interested in our ALP in 2025, please visit our website: https://www.geelonghigh.vic.edu.au/learning/accelerated-learning-program or contact the front office.
Our 2023 Dux!
Congratulations to School Captain Alexander Aidt who we are proud to announce as our 2023 Dux with an ATAR of 93.6. Alex was also able to achieve a perfect score of 50 in Theatre Studies, an outstanding effort making him one of only two in the state. Well done to Alex – he has been an exceptional contributor and leader in our community – and well done to all our students graduating into both tertiary and vocational pathways into 2024. We wish you all the best and look forward to hearing about all your adventures in the future.

Japan Student Trip
On Tuesday 21/11/23, we (a group of students ranging from years 9-12) went to Japan for a cultural exchange. During this time it gave us the opportunity to try new things and learn more about Japanese culture. One of the biggest culture shocks was how welcoming the people were and how considerate everyone was.
Whilst we spent our trip travelling from place to place in Tokyo, Hiroshima, Miyajima and Kyoto in just 10 days! We took part in traditional breakfasts and dinners as well as traditional customs such as; bowing and table manners.
Along with this, we visited shrines, temples and busy shopping districts (more often than not buying souvenirs). While additionally exploring Tokyo Disneyland and attending our sister school Seishin Gakuen for a day.
Overall my favourite part of the trip was spending time at Seishin Gakuen. It was endearing to see students who had formerly gone to our school in March, and being able to thank them. As well as sharing fond memories with other students via casual conversation or through the activities they ran for us throughout the day. Even welcoming us with a short concert!
I’m very grateful to have been given the chance to go on the 2023 Japan trip, as well as being able to simultaneously share my experience.
ありがとうございました。 -- Indah
VM Geelong Food Relief
Our 2024 Year 11 VCE VM students went out on an excursion, volunteering for Geelong Food Relief in the North Geelong warehouse helping to sort food items and get rid of old unusable stock.
As a class we will donate around 60 volunteer hours today towards GFR's 650 volunteer hours needed each week to keep the organisation operating and continuing to support the Geelong community.
Schools Facilities Update
In recent months, the school has invested a considerable amount of funding towards updating and replacing furniture and equipment items, and replacing, rectifying, or installing new capital items around the school property.
Some recent furniture and equipment upgrades are:
- New classroom furniture in the Winstanley VCE wing classrooms.

- New specialised furniture in the Vague Wing art rooms. The first time in over 10 years this furniture has been replaced.

- New classroom furniture in the four Lower Kroger Wing classrooms.

Our new Signage installations to give our school a wonderful and impressive street presence:
- The electronic sign on the Ryrie St frontage.

- The curved corner wall at Ryrie & Garden Sts. This will be illuminated at nighttime with LED backlighting…to be installed before Christmas.

- Shenton Performing Arts Centre corner. Replacing the terribly old Geelong High School wooden sign that had been in place since the school purchased the property in 1994 (can be seen in the background of the image below – soon before removal).

Other major capital works
- All Science wing classrooms have been repainted.
- A new work shed for our Hands-on Learning program - $25k funded through Leopold Bendigo Community Bank.
- A new Garage and storage facility, replacing 3 unsightly shipping containers.

And the works and upgrades won’t stop there!
Over the up-coming Christmas holiday period the following works will continue:
- All Science classrooms will have the carpet replaced….first time since the wing was constructed in 2004.
- The lower Kroger wing classrooms will also be repainted.
- The surrounds of the new garage will be re-asphalted.
- The entire school yard will have chewing gum removed from the hard surfaces using dry-ice technology.
- The old and dilapidated boundary fencing along the Ryrie Street frontage (east of the front entrance), and the entire eastern boundary bordering Eastern Park will be replaced with black palisade style fencing, matching what was installed around our Sensory Garden when the schools rebuild was concluded in 2020….see image below.

The Geelong High School Council is incredibly thankful to all parents and carers who have contributed financially to the school this year through the continued payment of your Curriculum Contributions.
The payment of your Curriculum Contributions enables the school to dedicate our other income sources towards the purchase of new furniture and equipment for students and fund other improvements around the school.
Business Manager
David Board
Immunisations 2024
Secondary school immunisations are provided to students to reduce their risk of contracting preventable diseases and some cancers. Health advice regarding immunisations recommends students receive the following:
- Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine (one dose)
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine (one dose).
Year 10 – THURSDAY 21ST MARCH 2024
- Meningococcal A, C, W, Y vaccine (one dose).
There are a number of students in years 7 to 12 who may have missed these important vaccines. This puts students at an increased risk of illness.
If your child missed out on their school-based vaccinations, please speak to your GP or local council immunisation service about how they can catch up.
To check if your child is due for any vaccines, refer to their immunisation history statement on the Australian Immunisation Register, using your MyGov account. If your child is aged over 14, they may need to access their immunisation history statement themselves, through their own MyGov account or the Medicare mobile app.
Students who have missed Year 7 or Year 10 vaccines can catch up over the holidays with Barwon Health immunisation service via the following booking link https://portal.cirv.vic.gov.au/ or the GP .
Contact Barwon health on 42154444 or email immunisation.user@barwonhealth.org.au to update details if this vaccine has been given elsewhere or for assistance with a booking.
New HPV vaccination resources to assist young people with disability
Young people with disability should have the same access to preventive healthcare and immunisations as everyone else. Vaccinations can be stressful, and there are sometimes unique barriers for people with disability.
Cancer Council Victoria, in consultation with Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and Scope Australia, has developed the following resources for parents and carers to improve the vaccination experience for young people with disability:
- Help your child with disability get the HPV vaccine (fact sheet)
- Supporting your child with a disability with vaccination (videos)
- Preparing for school vaccinations (social story).
Year 8 BioLab
During week 4 & 5 this term, our Year 8 students had the opportunity to attend BioLab in Belmont and engage in the ‘Skin Deep’ learning experience.
Students had access to the latest biomedical technology to investigate the impact of environmental changes on the human skin and record their findings. They were expected to utilise the skills they had learned about data collection and representation in their maths class to make sense of the data produced by technology in the BioLab laboratories.
Learning experiences such as these are important for students to make connections with content and skills learned in the maths and science classrooms, assisting them to gain first-hand experience with technology used in laboratories and preparing them for life (vitae nos parat).
Host Families wanted!
We are thrilled to provide an exciting opportunity for Geelong High School families to open their homes to 19 students from our friendship school, Seishin Gakuen, in Japan. They will be here from the 11th until the 22nd of March, 2024. By becoming a host family, you have the chance to make a lasting impact on these young minds while creating memories for your children and families that will last a lifetime. Hosting a student from Japan is not just a gesture of hospitality; it’s an opportunity to foster cross-cultural understanding, build friendships the bridge oceans and build a stronger connection between Geelong High School and Seishin Gakuen. Previous host families have shared incredible experiences, highlighting the positive impact it has had on their lives and the lives of their own children. Positive experiences for families include:
- Cultural exchange – families can learn about a different culture firsthand and share traditional meals and teach the Japanese student about their family and the Australian way of life.
- Language immersion – families have found that having a Japanese student at home is an excellent way for both adults and children to practice and improve their language skills.
- Global friendships – many host families have formed lasting connections with the Japanese students and their families. These friendships extend beyond the hosting period, creating a global network of friends.
AIIU is a registered student exchange organisation and are involved in bringing the Seishin Gakuen students to Geelong High School. They provide a stipend of $50 per day to help with hosting expenses.
If you’re ready to embark on this exciting adventure and open your home to a student from our friendship school in Japan, please contact Jenny from AIIU via email jenny@aiiu.com.au or by phone 0439 – 654 939. If you have any questions you can also contact me at school on 5225 4100 or by email bradley.rankin@education.vic.gov.au
Thank you for considering hosting a Seishin Gakuen student.
Bradley Rankin
Lawn Bowls
Geelong High competed in the Geelong Lawn Bowls tournament this week. Schools involved were Western Heights, Bellarine (who have number of students who play pennant bowls), and Geelong High. Our team of Spike McFarlane, Harper Dunn and Tyler Cormack beat the number 2 Bellarine team in the semis to play in the finals against their number one side.
It was very close however our boys came away with the win, with Harper getting “best on” for the day. This is the last of the Interschool competition for 2023 and we would like to thank parent, carers and students for supporting the program. Go Geelong!

GHS 2024 Production

Geelong High School’s 2024 Production
‘Alice by Heart’
Music by Duncan Sheik
Lyrics by Steven Sater
From the Tony® and Grammy® award-winning creators of Spring Awakening, Steven Sater and Duncan Sheik, and co-written by Jessie Nelson (Waitress), Alice by Heart is a touching musical inspired by Alice’s madcap Adventures in Wonderland. In the rubble of the London Blitz of World War II, Alice Spencer’s budding teen life is turned upside down, and she and her dear friend Alfred are forced to take shelter in an underground tube station. When the ailing Alfred is quarantined, Alice encourages him to escape with her into their cherished book and journey down the rabbit hole to Wonderland. As they travel through the tale, Alice by Heart explores the poignancy of first love, coming to terms with loss, and finding the courage to move forward. This world premiere musical encourages us all to celebrate the transformational power of the imagination, even in the harshest of times.
If you are interested in auditioning in 2024, please find attached the audition pack.

Intermediate Hockey
Our Intermediate Boys Hockey team played in the State Hockey Finals last Thursday in Footscray. The team won one games and lost two games.
Great achievement by the team and coach Mr Finlayson to get this far – we congratulate them on their efforts.

Vocal Concert
Music students recently gathered in the Shenton Theatre for their annual Vocal Concert.
A fantastic night of live music at Geelong High School. Thanks to Joel and Cameron for photos.
Concert filmed by Joel Watson and Cameron Cooley.
Duration 1 hour 14 minutes
Year 7 Melbourne Zoo Day
Our Year 7 students enjoyed a fantastic day at the Melbourne Zoo yesterday. Great weather and a chance to escape with nature and enjoy some of the world's most amazing animals.
Barwon Beyond Blue Fundraiser
Barwon House held a series of fundraising activities to raise money for mental health organisation Beyond Blue. Barwon House students and staff helped raise $1,167.00 with the 'guess the lollies in the jar' competition, auction and traditional sausage sizzle.
Well done to all staff and students involved. A great effort!
It has been a busy term for our student athletes with a number of them competing at State School Championships.
Angus Baker finished 1st in the 13 years 800m and 1500m! Leo Strazadala finished 2nd in the 13 years 200m and 4th 400m race.
Sienna Reid and Grant Sumner finished 6th in their respective 1500m walk and Raj Kambo finished 10th in the 17 years 1500m.
Leo and Angus fronted up again at the State All Schools a few weeks later and Angus came 5th in the 1500m. Leo 2nd in the 400m and 4th 200m. These results earning Leo a place in the Victorian State Team to run in Perth in early December.

VM Barista Course
Year 7 Mixed Volleyball
Congratulations to the Year 7 Mixed Volleyball team!
The Year 7 mixed volleyball team competed in the Western Metro Division Finals. They were up against schools who have sports academies and played extremely well. Thank you to Mackayla, Jackson and Mahli for coaching the crew and all your support of them. Whilst they didn’t take out first place, they learnt a lot of valuable skills, matched the intensity of play to that of their competitors and represented our school extremely well.

Year 9 Wet Rec
Year 7 & 8 Food Studies
Year 8 - Toasties!
Year 7 - Muffins!
Year 9 & 10 Food Studies
Year 9 - Pizza & Meal Plans!
Year 10 - Loaves, Focaccia's & Cakes!
Summer Coastal Rangers

No Google Devices
Just a reminder to all parents, that Google Devices are NOT supported by our school
Any questions or issues, please ring the office on 03 5225 4100!
Air Force Cadets Recruiting Now
The AAFC will teach you valuable life skills and will help you develop qualities including but not limited to, leadership, self-reliance, confidence, teamwork and communication.
This is achieved by delivering educational lessons in a range of subjects as well as unforgettable experiences in the air and on the ground.