GHS Community Newsletter Issue #7
19th May, 2022
A Message From The Principal #7
Principal’s Welcome, Week 4 Term 2
Despite the trials and tribulations created by the pandemic we are continuing to operate as normally as possible (what is normal these days? – see below). Over the last two weeks we have run our inter-house cross country during Home Group sessions. I have included the results below. Well done to the students who made the effort to not only participate, but to compete. Nothing worthwhile happens without effort – which is one of our core school values. It also takes “teamwork” (another school value) to claim the prize of best house and have your house banner raised higher than the rest, in our school atrium.
House Cross-Country – Results
Winners were –
Category |
Winners |
House |
Junior – Yr 7 Girls |
Leigh |
Junior – Yr 8 Girls |
Junior – Yr 7 Boys |
Leigh |
Junior – Yr 8 Boys |
Inter – Yr 9 Girls |
Moorabool |
Inter - Yr 10 Girls |
Inter - Yr 9 Boys |
Moorabool |
Inter – Yr 10 Boys |
Senior – Yr 11 Girls |
Corio |
Senior – Yr 12 Girls |
Senior – Yr 11 Boys |
Leigh |
Senior – Yr 12 Boys |
The challenge continues
I am constantly amazed by the strength and resilience our teachers and students show daily in dealing with the challenges of covid. In the current phase of the pandemic the impact is complex. While the vast majority of people are fully vaccinated, a positive test still means an absence of a week. When you combine the impact of multiple students missing from a class with the impact of one or two teachers being absent, the net impact over the course of a week is huge. Some students are absent, and some are returning after a week. It is very difficult to maintain continuity of the learning program under these circumstances– especially if the teacher is absent for a week as well. As we head from autumn into winter the impact of flu and gastro will only exacerbate this situation. It is vital therefore that parents don’t send your child along if they are showing any signs of illness. We have heaps of RATs available and the protocol of testing twice a week and not returning until asymptomatic is still an expectation.
Year 7 Camp
We have the vast majority of year 7 students out on camp this week. This is a great opportunity for students to get to know each other and their teachers and to build strong, positive relationships. Reports are that the camp is going well.
Glenn Davey
Year 9 Tertiary Program
Year 9 Geelong Future Tertiary Program.
All Geelong High School amazing Year 9 students took up the challenges to try Vocational pathway options at both Gordon Campuses. The students were able to participate in activities related to Childcare, Allied Health, Bricklaying, Hospitality and Hairdressing, to name just a few. The students engaged in all activities with zest and respect. Remember to complete your online modules to obtain your certificate. Well done Year 9, get ready for Thursday 27th May for our next Careers Adventure.
Cross Country 2022
Cross Country races are currently being held at Geelong High School. Students have enjoyed great Autumn weather during the last two weeks as students from all year levels run/walk around the Botanical Gardens track.
Year 10 Careers
Year 10 Careers Employability Program sponsored by Deakin University
All Year 10 students participated in the first session of the Careers “Employability Program”. Students were challenged with practical activities and discussion topics from Deakin University Ambassadors. Next week all Year 10’s will be off to the Waurn Ponds Campus to engage with current students and extend their communication skill set.
GHS Senior Music Night
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The Senior Music class invite you to join them for The Geelong High Music Night. There will be a mixture of bands as well as solo performances such as Violet, Blue Mascara, Emily Cook and Kian Gonzales. The students have organised this event because they wanted to let the senior music students share what they have been working on but also share some amazing talent. The concert is on the 8th June and starts at 6pm. Doors open at 5:45pm, and the concert will wrap up at 8pm. Venue - Shenton Performing Arts Centre. Tickets are free but must be booked via https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/music-concert-night-tickets-343846924407 |
Intermediate Boys Football

The Intermediate boys football team played this Thursday 19th May in the Geelong division round robin, held at McDonalds Reserve. The boys were coached this year by one of our Assistant principals in Steve Brown, and started the day well, beating Bellarine Secondary College. That put them into the Semi Final where they played the Western Heights sport’s academy. The boys played very well as a team but could not manage to make it to the finals. They were disappointed but they represented the school to a very high level and they should be proud of their endeavours. Best players on the day were Levi Kelly, Connor Blyth, Ryan Kelly, Riley Hull and Jackson Spong. Thanks to all the boys for their involvement and Mr Brown for his coaching on the day. Thanks to Ashton Brogden and Seth Alsop as assistant coaches and Lincoln Wilson and Bryce Drayton for assisting.
Sonia Kinsey
HAPE LAL, Health & PE
Leigh House Assistant
Farewell Hank
Farewell Hank
Geelong High School welcomed a very special member of staff in Term 4 2021. This staff member came with a furry black coat, big brown eyes and four big paws, named Hank. Hank is now a 12-month-old Guide Dog Victoria (GDV) Labrador puppy. Staff and students welcomed Hank with open arms to help train and assist him on his journey to becoming a working Guide Dog for a person with low vision or someone who is blind. Hank was introduced to the school with the intention to bring calm and regulation to the classroom environment. Students responded exceptionally well to the puppy’s presence and were cooperative in the guidelines of training a GDV.
At recess and lunch times Hank enjoyed, just as much as his student friends, the outlet of play time on the oval. It was great to have Hank release some pent-up puppy energy, but more notably it was heartwarming to see friendships and bonds between students form from a common interest in man’s best friend.
It was important for Hank to be involved with the students in many situations for socialization purposes and exposing him to as many situations possible. The students and staff saw Hank participate in excursions, PE classes, math, English and science and several staff meetings where he always had something to say at the right time.
As Hank’s time comes to an end at GHS to pursue the next chapter in his career, we remember the fun and laughter we shared from Hank’s quirky nature and continue to appreciate the value of ‘Dogs in Schools’.
Many thanks to all who supported Hank and I’s journey together at Geelong High School,
Madi Dillon
Here are some warm wishes from our school community they have shared about their time with Hank:
“Hank was a big hit when we posted photos of him on the school Facebook page.”
“Thanks so much for bringing Hank to our class. He'll make a beautiful pet.”
“Goodbye Hank…beautiful boy!”
“Hanky we all wish you the best life, we will all miss you forever’ – Class 8G

Did You Know??
Did You Know??
Wearing headphones for just an hour could increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

Australian Air Force Cadets

428 Squadron of the Australian Air Force Cadets is doing a midyear recruiting intake. We are based in Newtown and offer a youth development program that aims to provide young people from the ages of 12-18 the chance to develop leadership skills, aviation knowledge and experience, self-discipline.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at christopher.dunn2@airforcecadets.gov.au
Reconciliation in the Park 2022

National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week
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