GHS Community Newsletter Issue #6
17th September, 2024
A Message from the Principal
As we approach the end of another successful term, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our achievements and express my gratitude for your continued support.
This term has been filled with numerous highlights – from outstanding academic accomplishments to remarkable extracurricular activities. Our students have shown tremendous growth, resilience, and enthusiasm in every area, and we couldn’t be prouder of their efforts.
I would also like to extend a special thank you to our dedicated teachers and staff who work tirelessly to ensure a positive and enriching learning environment. Your commitment is truly appreciated.
Amazing things continue to happen every day at Geelong High. The list of over the last couple of weeks include Science Week, Book week, Sport activities, Subject selections, Music and Dance Concerts. I know there are many others that provide some great learning opportunities for our students. Thanks to all the staff for organising these activities.
Well done to Ms Yee and Ms Albrecht and all of the students in the VET dance class for their amazing Dance concert. The feedback has been that the standard just gets better every year, and our kids are doing some amazing things.
The Spring Music Concert was a great success. Mr Kypriotis and all of the Instrumental music staff did an excellent job in preparing the students and there were some amazing performances.
Mikael Stowers has obtained a scholarship with Melbourne Theatre Company. This scholarship allows him to enter a course which runs 18 Sep – 22 Sep at Southbank Theatre in Melbourne. Well done, Mikael.
A special mention the Vocational Major students who under the leadership of Ms Kathryn Buckland and Mr Brennon Reusch have done an amazing job over the last few weeks with a variety of community activities. We had a netball game against the Geelong police with a focus on domestic violence, students organised sporting activities to raise funds for MND and a bake sale at Bunnings raising money for GAWS. Well done to all students involved.
The school also held a Model United Nations with students across all of Geelong from both Government and Private schools. Student had to be organised into countries and debate the issues of the day. Thanks to Mr Houghton for all of his work on this.
On our curriculum day all staff undertook what is referred to as Berry Street training. This training is focussed on ensuring as teachers we are better aware of some of the challenges our people face and how this may impact them each day at school. As staff we want to make sure that all students when they come into school are supported and made to feel welcome every day.
We continue with our Positive relationships program and Life Changer during the term with a strong focus on the wellbeing of all students and ensuring that we create a community of respect. There are 1000 different individuals on site each day and as a school we want to ensure that everyone has a safe place to come and work and learn.
Coming up early next term we have our Unit 3 / 4 Exams for students, and we wish them the best. I know they have been studying hard and all of this work will pay off soon. Our Year 9 GPEP students head off to central Australia in Term 4 and I know they are looking forward to this amazing learning opportunity.
Over the holidays we will be having a considerable amount of work to our front office area. Please note for the first two weeks of Term 4 parents will have to access the school via Y3. There will be signage directing parents and students. Essentially the front entrance will be closed for this short period of time. Please follow the signage and be patient as we work around this.
As we look forward to the upcoming term, I encourage everyone to take some well-deserved rest and recharge. Let’s return with renewed energy and continue to strive for excellence together.
School Saving Bonus
Dear parents and carers,
In Term 4, 2024, families with a child enrolled in a government school from Prep to Year 12 in 2025 will receive the one-off $400 School Saving Bonus.
The $400 School Saving Bonus provides families with support for education-related costs, such as school activities and/or school uniforms and textbooks.
The School Saving Bonus is not available for full-fee international students, home schooled students, TAFE students and students attending kindergarten in 2025.
Actions for parents and carers
Before 18 October 2024, the Department of Education is asking parents and carers to:
- Complete enrolment: If your child, or children are changing government school for Term 1 2025, or starting Prep or Year 7 in 2025. For more information, read about Enrolling in School.
- Check your contact information: Ensure your email address and phone number is up to date with us. You can check this information by contacting us directly.
We need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:
- in October, to verify your email address
- in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus.
Please check your junk mail regularly to make sure you do not miss an important email.
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, download the School Saving Bonus Information sheet for government school parents and carers or visit vic.gov.au/school-saving-bonus.

Elevate: Parent Webinars
Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship

Congratulations to Mikael Stowers (10LA) who has been a successful applicant of the Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship Course.
The annual Youth Scholarship Course delivered by Melbourne Theatre Company is a life-changing week of drama workshops in Melbourne. The course provides an opportunity for young people with limited access to the arts to learn and develop drama skills, gain confidence, self-awareness and self-expression whilst building friendships and a lifelong affinity for theatre.
Mikael will be attending the program from Monday 30 September – Friday 4 October 2024 and has been provided accommodation for the week courtesy of Melbourne Theatre Company.
Congratulations Mikael, what a great opportunity, we look forward to hearing all about your experience.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher
Art and Tech Show
Just over six weeks until the ART & TECH SHOWCASE at Geelong High. Year 12 Art students are currently busy finishing folios and artworks for assessment.
You will have the opportunity to view these amazing visual, technical and creative works by other students at the ART & TECH SHOWCASE in The Atrium on Wednesday 30th October.
Check out our events page for more information https://www.facebook.com/events/493310973657480
Science Club

Moorabool House Fundraiser
What an incredible day at the Moorabool House Fundraiser! We came together to raise money for Daffodil Day and the Cancer Council. A big thank you to Ms. Day and all the amazing students who worked tirelessly to cook up some delicious pancakes. The fun didn’t stop there—students had a blast donating to throw water balloons at the teachers for every wrong song lyric. A special shoutout to our Moorabool Captains for their fantastic organisation!
MAV Enrichment Games
Maths Association of Victoria Enrichment Games
On Friday the 26th, 23 Year 7 to 10 students competed in the MAV enrichment games against North Geelong Secondary College. The students worked effectively in teams and develop strategies to work collaboratively to solve problems that were fun and challenging. All students worked extremely well and displayed an outstanding ability to work as a team as well as excellent Maths skills. Congratulations to all students involved.
Winning team
Tom Chapman, Jayden Garvey, Ben Norris
Equal 2 place
Hudson Andrews, Zhiqing Li, Douglas Giles, Arron Gardner
VET Dance Showcase
Spring Music Concert
Spring Music Concert Success
The Music Department would like to thank all the students, parents, caregivers, extended families, and staff for all their support this year. The Spring Music Concert was spectacular and displayed the very high level of talent we have here at GHS. Please keep an eye out for our videos and photos that will be posted throughout Term 4 and follow our musical journey.

Year 11 Biology Werribee Zoo Excursion
Students completed fieldwork looking at the interaction between Eastern Bandicoot and the Grey Kangaroo.
Year 8 Volleyball
Incredible performance from our Year 8 Volleyball team at the Inter School sports competition! They dominated their pool with wins over Grovedale (17-4, 17-2), Belmont (17-5, 17-11), and North Geelong (17-7, 17-12), securing a top spot. In a thrilling playoff, they battled it out against Northern Bay (14-17, 11-17) finishing second overall. Congratulations to our talented team for their hard work and determination!
Victorian College of the Arts
Theatre Outreach Program (Portland House)
On Thursday the 12th of September 21 students across year 10, 11 & 12 interested in acting, participated in an afterschool workshop at Geelong High School with the Victorian College of the Arts.
The Theatre Outreach Program supported Portland House seeks to diversify the pool of who a performing artist can be. Through this program, students were introduced to a diverse group of recent VCA Graduates, all now working as artists who supported students with monologue preparation for auditions.
The program has already seen immense success across many other schools, and has provided ample opportunities to young theatre makers. Attendees of the program have had curated tutelage, and have as a result, been accepted into some of the finest graduate theatre programs across the country.
A big thank you to the VCA for this enriching program. We look forward to workshop #2 next term.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher

What's Happening at the Library?
Premiers Reading Challenge.
From the start of April to the 6th of September, all students were invited to partake in the Premiers Reading Challenge. The goal for the students was to read 15 books, and 3 students completed the challenge:
- Mae Sutherland
- Matilda Vistarini
- Charlotte Spencer

Well done to these students for taking on the challenge and to Mae Sutherland for being the first to complete it.
Well done to the students who completed their 3000-piece puzzle after approximately a terms worth of lunchtimes.
- Charlie
- Madison Salt
- Blake Huddart

There is no rest for these students as they are already onto their next puzzle, which is double-sided.
VR Headset
We welcomed students into the world of VR on the 4th of September through the Geelong Regional Library’s activity program. Students from all classes were invited to the library at lunch to try out the VR headset and experience first-hand the advancements in technology.

A Move to Less Screen time
Recently in the Library, we have made it a goal to lessen screen time for students at recess and lunch. To do so, we have asked that students do not play computer games in the library at recess and lunch and instead try other activities such as reading, playing board/card games and talking to their friends. After implementing this change, we have noticed a more calmer and positive atmosphere in the library.

If you have any suggestions for non-computer related games and activities, or any books, please let the librarians know as they are currently on the lookout to increase their collection.
Book Week Creative Challenge
For book week we invited students to participate in a book week challenge responding to this year’s prompt ‘Reading is Magic’. Students could draw, paint or even write a piece for the competition. Our winner were:
- Chloe Allen
- Siobhan Bodnar
- Ruby Stabenow
- Charlie Maskell (not pictured)

Police vs Student Netball
GHS Vocational Major students organised a BBQ & Netball match against the Geelong Police to raise money and awareness around Domestic Violence.
A very close and competitive match by all. We would like to thank all the members from the Police Force that were able to play against the Year 12 students.
All money raised through the BBQ and our online donation page (see below) will be going to Friends with Dignity Foundation an organised that provides practical programs for survivors/victims throughout Australia. If you would like to support please donate to Netball for change, a fundraiser for Friends with Dignity -
Taiko Drumming Incursion
On the 28th August, we had the amazing Toshi, Junko, and Sayaka from Wadaiko Rindo. Wadaiko Rindo is based in Melbourne, and is renowned for energetic and dynamic Japanese taiko drumming. Wadaiko Rindo’s performances and workshops in schools are very popular and have received a recommendation from the Victorian State Ministry of Education and provide an accessible and participatory cultural experience to primary and secondary students throughout Australia.
Born in 1959 in Kumamoto, Japan, Toshi Sakamoto has devoted his life to the art of Japanese drumming (wadaiko) and its advancement across Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. In 1987 Toshi co-founded a taiko conservation group, the “Rindo Daiko Association” in Kumamoto, and began to perform. He received training from Takashi Fukuda, a percussionist with the Kumamoto Philharmonic Orchestra, and received intensive lessons and training from Ondekoza’s Yuu Imafuku as well as various well-known taiko teams in the area. Toshi also participated in the start-up of the Kumamoto Castle Taiko group.
Born in Minatama, Kumamoto, Japan, Junko Sakamoto started playing an active part in Kumamoto Rindo Taiko Conservation Club in 1995. In 1997 she moved to Melbourne and joined her husband Toshi in teaching taiko classes and taking part in taiko performances.
We were so lucky to have the founding director and co-founder of Waidaiko Rindo at our school for the day teaching students from year seven through to twelve about Japanese traditions, music, culture. Every student had the opportunity to play the taiko drums and watch a fabulous performance of professional drummers.
Building Project Group
Our Year 9 Building Project Team students have been busy, helping to construct walls for a new locker area under the guidance of Mr Jackson. Well done!
Year 11 OES Snow Camp
A nice and early start saw everyone arrive on time and we departed GHS at 6 am. Our travel to Mt Stirling was smooth and by 11.30 we were fitting our skis on and keen to learn how to Cross Country Ski in the subalpine environment. The weather was cold and grey but there was heaps of snow around which was great. We saw many beautiful Alpine Ash trees and several different birds but as we progressed higher into the Alpine environment twisted and gnarled Snow Gums replaced the Alpine Ash trees and we didn’t see much fauna anymore as the conditions became colder. What a group they tried and tried again. Climb up the practice run, start to ski down, fall over, get up, start to ski down, fall over again and repeat. As the afternoon progresses the falling down bit got fewer and fewer for many which was progress.
Today we learnt a lot about both the Alpine environment and the basics of XC Skiing. The pizza shapes and herring bones were starting to look good and as our energy levels started dropping it was getting late so we headed back down the hill to check into our accommodation.
The day was challenging but heaps of fun. Everyone fell over heaps and there was a pretty epic snow ball fight to be had.
On day 2 we got back on the hill and started to climb. As it got steeper, for many it was 3 steps forward and 2 steps back but smiles were on faces and people kept challenging themselves. After a bit we got up to the Machinery shed and had some lunch. After lunch we kept climbing to Cricket Pitch. Up here there were heaps of fun runs and for many the speed was getting quicker and the falls fewer. Now this is fun.
After a while it was time for the best bit, time to start skiing down. Our turns were definitely getting better as was our ability to slow down (for most anyway). We had a ball getting down and it was amazing how much better we had all got over a day and a half. We got to the bus at about 5pm. That was a big day but what a ripping day.
Day 3 was our downhill day at Mt Buller. The differences between the natural aspect of Mt Stirling to Mt Buller was amazing and a real eye opener. Our day of Snowboarding was so fun, some picked it up really quickly and progressed onto some blue runs and others sticked to the green runs. Snowboarding is definitely something many would like to have another go at as I feel like I was getting better with every run and it was so much fun.
Camp was great. We had the best time. Most of the class had never seen snow before so that was pretty exciting and such a great experience. Definitely want go again soon.
Students of the Yr 11 Outdoor Enviro Class
Student Bulletin
Eleanor and Ella, our presenters for the student bulletin which is recorded each Monday. The video provides an opportunity for students to present important information on school events and activities to each class via a video link.

Science Week
GHS has celebrated National Science Week. We have been spoilt with the number of activities on offer to us. The Marine Team came in for a fun, interactive 45 minute performance to the Year 9s. It was an engaging way to learn about our world and the importance of sustainability. There was even a super villain to contend with! Year 7 have investigated whale snot to discover the health of Whales. They then went on to discover the importance of Whales in the Ecosystem. Year 8 had Geelong Tech School hosting one lesson experiencing space through virtual reality headsets! Year 9 had an escape room where they had to aid the survival of species in order to complete the tasks! A fantastic week of science based activities and events!
Parliament House Delegation
On Wednesday 21st August, I was blessed with the opportunity to fly out to the Parliament House in Canberra as a delegate for the Australian Education Union, talking to many politicians about the funding of public schools. As a delegate for the AEU I also met with the State and Territory Education Ministers with other students, parents, teachers, and principles around Australia to call for equitable school funding, and to pressure politicians to commit to their promise for full funding for every child in Australia. This commitment for full funding to the school resource standard is needed to close the inequality gaps of Australian students, and I am very thankful for the opportunity to make a difference and stand up for the vital need of funding of public schools. (Nina Magor - Year 12 student Geelong High School)
Year 10 Media Light Paint Session
The Year 10 Media students worked with some light paint (long exposure) photography in class seeing how different light can create an image.
Book Week
Staff and students in the library dressed up to celebrate Book Week. It was fantastic to see so many students engaged in reading events and activities.
GAWS Bake Sale
A few of the VM students held a Bake Sale at Bunnings, they raised funds for GAWS.

Year 8 Girls Basketball
Our Year 8 Girls basketball team played well. We didn’t make finals but best on the court was Maddy Dunn – thanks to the student coaches and Mr Antonac.

Maths – Biolab incursion
On Monday the 26th of August 24 Year 7 and Year 8 students participated in “Beat That” incursion from Biolab as part of the Victorian Challenge an Enrichment series.
During the program the students investigated the accuracy of different equipment and formed their own conclusions using primary and class data.
Well done to all involved.
Blended Arts Education
Year 7 & 8 Drama Workshop
Every child and young person – no matter their background or circumstance – deserves a chance to participate in quality arts education.
The Victorian Government committed an additional $1.97 million to continue to provide a suite of outreach and virtual programs to improve educational outcomes for rural and regional students. This builds on the $3.74 million provided over the last four years. The Blended Arts Education Program is funded through the Rural and Regional Education Reform budget.
Quality dance and drama education engages, inspires, and enriches students to reach their creative and expressive potential.
On Monday the 9th of September, students in Year 7 and 8 took part in a Drama incursion run by Claire Wearne from Drama Victoria as part of the Blended Arts Education Program. Students were able to build upon the understandings of Drama as an art form as they explored a range of creative and expressive activities.
Thank you to Claire, Drama Victoria and Blended Arts Education for the enriching opportunity.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher

Wheelchair Basketball
Year 11 Physical Education Class
The Year 11 PE class has been studying levels of physical activity for members of the community. The students embraced the opportunity to try wheelchair basketball at Try Boys. The students were challenged by their upper body strength and hand eye co-ordination but embraced the opportunity whole heartedly.
Year 8 Drama Excursion
On Wednesday the 4th of September, students in year 8 Drama travelled to The Arts Centre in Melbourne to partake in a character building workshop focused on character within improvisation and then to watch the performance of Horizon by Bangarra Dance Theatre.
In their first mainstage cross-cultural collaboration, leading Māori choreographer and Arts Laureate Moss Te Ururangi Patterson joins beloved Bangarra alumna Deborah Brown. Together they guide their award-winning ensemble in stories that honour their mother countries and the spirit that calls them home.
Come explore the cultural forces that bind us together, across oceans and eons. Experience the resilience of the First Peoples of the Oceania region, that extends across the continent now known as Australia, the Torres Strait Islands and Aotearoa, our southern neighbour.
There is a place between sea and sky — a sacred realm, where the sun rises and falls and the light is new.
Jamie Long
Performing Arts Teacher