A Message from the Principal
By Davin Reid
A busy start to Term 3 with lots of amazing activities and learning opportunities for students.
The biggest highlight would have to be the school production Alice by Heart. Led by Tessa Kirk, Jamie Long and Lauren Albrecht the show was amazing. I know I enjoyed it very much and it was great to see so many students involved and the amazing talent on display. I know so many people put in huge effort to have a production each year and it is a real highlight for the school community. Well done to everyone involved.
Course Counselling has commenced and this is an important process with students selecting subjects for 2025. We have already starting planning for 2025 so if you are moving schools for whatever reason can you please let the front office know
Our new Year 12 Common room has been a big success with students now having a place of their own during recess and lunch time.
The school review is underway and thanks to those parents who could make the parent feedback session. I will share the outcomes of the review with the school community when I am able to do so.
Well done to Corio house for their MND fundraiser. It was great to see so many staff covered in green ice. I think some staff enjoyed it way too much – Mr Allitt 😊
Naplan results have been sent out and while these are just one measure of performance , the results for Geelong High were excellent. We are above similar schools in almost every area and we have a large number of students excelling. Well done and if parents have any questions please contact your English or Maths teacher.
Vale- Belinda Gladman
Our school community is deeply saddened by the unexpected death of one of our much loved and respected staff members, Belinda Gladman.
Our thoughts and heartfelt sympathy are with her family and friends.
This news comes as a great shock to our school community.
The Geelong High School community is devastated by the news of Belinda Gladman’s passing, and we extend our deepest sympathies to her family, friends and everyone who knew her.”
“Belinda was a highly esteemed and long-serving staff member at Geelong High, with 27 years of teaching experience at the school.”
“Her primary focus was in the areas of Science, Biology, and Psychology, where she taught across multiple year levels. Throughout her distinguished career, Belinda held various leadership roles, including Head of Science, and was responsible for overseeing student teachers. She also played a significant role in mentoring new staff and was recognised as a valuable and dedicated team member.”
“Belinda was renowned for her compassionate and supportive nature , consistently demonstrating a strong commitment to enhancing the lives of all students.”
Belinda was a dedicated and passionate staff member who made a difference. She not only enriched the school community but also touched the lives of every student she taught. Her influence will be felt for years to come and her legacy will continue through the countless students she inspired. We are deeply grateful for all she contributed and will always remember her with great respect and admiration.
Secure a ticket now by visiting our reception at 385 Ryrie St, East Geelong or calling 03 5225 4100

Spring Music Concert

School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI)
The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide free home internet for one year for up to 30,000 eligible families with school-aged students.
The initiative aims to boost education opportunities. NBN Co is leading the rollout of this initiative across the country.
How the School Student Broadband Initiative can help your child
Children who can access online learning at home as part of their education are more likely to engage in classroom activities.
Access to fast internet at home can also support children to build their digital skills, learn how to safely use the internet and take part in a world that is more reliant on digital technology.
To be eligible, families must:
- have a child living at home enrolled in an Australian school in 2023
- not have an active National Broadband Network internet service at their home* (having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility)
- live in a premises that can access the National Broadband Network through a standard connection. NBN Co will check this for you after you apply
- register interest with your school and complete a consent form to be assessed for eligibility.
*If an address has been disconnected within 14 days prior to an eligibility check – the address will be classified as ineligible. There may be cases where exceptions can be made, please contact the School Student Broadband Initiative team at SSBI@education.vic.gov.au to discuss further.
How the School Student Broadband Initiative works
If you are eligible, your home internet service will be provided at no cost for one year with a participating internet provider over the National Broadband Network. Each internet provider has its own step-by-step process to get you connected, which may involve you providing identification.
Once you sign up, the internet provider will help you set up your connection. The initiative does not include devices such as a computer or tablet. Other members of your household can use the internet service provided through this initiative.
The one-year period will start from the day your service is activated with your chosen provider. At the end of the one-year period, you will not be placed onto a paid service by your internet provider without your consent. The Australian Government is considering options beyond the one-year free period.
How to apply
- Ask your school for a copy of the School Student Broadband Initiative consent form.
- Complete the consent form and return to the school.
- NBN Co will use student address details on the consent form to confirm eligibility.
- If you are eligible, NBN Co will issue a voucher for your family to use to sign up with a participating internet provider. This will be provided to you by your school.
Please note: NBN Co will review the home address for eligibility. No personal information other than your main home address will be shared with NBN Co. Please see the consent form for details about how personal information will be used.
Find out more
For more information about the School Student Broadband Initiative, visit
SSBI Consent Form
Elevate: Parent Webinars
Science Week
On the week of the 19th August, Geelong High School will be celebrating Science Week.
In Year 7 science lessons there will be one lesson celebrating Science: in particular – whale snot!
In Year 8 lessons there will be one lesson celebrating in partnership with Geelong Tech School carrying out an interactive activity!
Year 9 will have their own Science week performance run by an outside production company – check compass for details!
We will also have an escape room to solve.
Year 10 biologists will have Biolab coming in to look at Genetics in Sport – see compass for more details!
An exciting week ahead!
"The pursuit of science is a never-ending journey into the unknown, fuelled by curiosity and guided by reason." - Neil Armstrong
Geelong High School Present Alice by Heart
Congratulations to all students and staff involved in Geelong High Schools 2024 production Alice by Heart. An amazing sellout success. Geelong High School was very proud to be the first school in Victoria to present this beautiful show.
Directors Note:
Every year, I declare our production the biggest yet, and every year, I'm amazed and proud to say it again. This year, a cast of 65 will delight you with our rendition of Alice by Heart. This year, I was eager to explore a production that would challenge us beyond the comedy of our previous performances. When I discovered this beautiful piece, I wondered if we had the capacity to move our audiences deeply. I will let you decide if we have achieved that intention.
Set against the backdrop of WWII during the Blitz, Alice’s journey through Wonderland allows her to find hope in the darkest of times. This coming-of-age story resonates with universal themes of love, loss, and courage. Our lead cast have embraced this narrative with remarkable dedication and watching them uncover and embody the complexities of these characters has been nothing short of inspiring. Our ensemble cast had the challenge of bringing Wonderland to life and with their boundless energy, have transformed the stage into a fantastical realm, filled with whimsy and wonder. Every scene has been crafted with care, ensuring that the magic of Wonderland captivates and enchants.
A heartfelt thank you to our music and vocal director, Jamie Long, and our choreographer, Lauren Albrecht, whose expertise and passion have been invaluable throughout the rehearsal process. Their contributions have been instrumental in shaping the vibrant world you are about to see.
I am so proud of our students who should be incredibly proud of their achievements. I will leave you with a special message we received from Steven Sater, the writer himself. “I urge them, encourage them, to find wonderland within them as Alice does.”
I hope all that attended enjoyed the show!
Tessa Kirk
Koori Aspirations Day
Koori Aspirations Day 2024 – 7th August
Our First Nations students attended the Koori Aspirations Day, held at the Nikeri Institute at Deakin University Waurn Ponds campus. The aim of the day is to immerse students in cultural activities, connecting with peers from other schools in Geelong, developing teamwork and leadership skills and involved in activities designed to start them thinking about potential Career Pathways.
Our students upheld our school values and represented Geelong High School with pride, stepping outside their comfort zone, leading be example and demonstrating great kindness to others.
Katie Walsh
Student Voice, Agency & Leadership leader
Corio - Ice Bucket Challenge
Senior Boys Table Tennis
The Senior Boys Table Tennis team played Grovedale and Oberon in their Pool matches. They lost 5-1 against Grovedale in their first match. In the second pool match, the team faced off against Oberon and won 4-2 to give themselves a shot at playing in the semi-finals.
Oberon were defeated by Grovedale in the final pool match, giving us second place and putting us into the semi-finals. This was as far as they went however as we came up against the eventual winners, Northern Bay. The boys fought hard but Northern Bay were far too strong, only allowing us to win a solitary game.
All competitors played the game in great spirit and should be congratulated on their efforts and sportsmanship throughout the day.

Australian Maths Competition
Australian Maths Competition
On 7th of August, 20 students represented Geelong High by demonstrating their maths skills by competing in the Australian Maths Competition.
The students completed a 75-minute test competing against students from around Australia and overseas.
The Australian Maths Competition first ran in 1978, and is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students.
Congratulations to all students that completed.
Mr Kilfoyle and Ms Pacitto
Psychology Presentation: Sleep
Our VCE students attended a special presentation on SLEEP! Psychology teacher, Ms Garcia, and Mental Health Practitioner, Kate, provided insightful information about the importance of sleep for our health & wellbeing, and academic success.
Students learned about barriers to healthy sleep and strategies to support positive sleep hygiene.
A huge thanks to Kate and Ms Garcia for sharing their knowledge.
Library Activities
Premier's VCE Award
Geelong High School student wins top honours
Geelong High School student Alex Aidt received top honours for his outstanding VCE results in 2023.
Alex received a Premier’s VCE Award for excellence in Theatre Studies, making him one of the top Theatre Studies students in the state.
“To me, this award is proof that effort in the right place can go far,” said Alex, who is now studying a Bachelor of Secondary Education (Honours) & Bachelor of Music (Composition & Music Tech) at Monash University.
“All I wanted out of Year 12 was to come out of it knowing that I had tried my best. It was a marathon - I struggled to keep up the pace, but I had a good time and the challenges made me a better person today.”
Geelong High School principal Davin Reid said the entire school community was proud of Alex and his achievements.
“Alex is an amazing young person who is a leader in the school and wider community. All of the staff and students are so proud of Alex. Alex involves himself in all aspects of school life and he is a role model to all students at Geelong High. We wish him the best for his future”
310 of Victoria’s top performing students were recognised at this year’s Premier’s VCE Awards, including three international students, six students who completed the VCE Vocational Major program with distinction, and 23 Top All-Round VCE High Achievers who achieved study scores of 46 or higher out of 50 in at least five VCE subjects.
To view the full Honour Roll and to read more about the Premier’s VCE Awards, visit: https://www.vic.gov.au/premiers-vce-awards
Congratulations again to Alex Aidt. We wish you all the best with your future endeavours.
Tessa Kirk
Theatre Studies Teacher

Senior Boys Soccer
On Thursday 25th July, Year 11 and 12 boys took part in senior soccer at Myers Reserve. Although the boys did not have a great deal of success on the field, the boys still enjoyed the day.

Intermediate Girls Soccer
On Wednesday 17th July, Year 9 and 10 girls represented GHS in the interschool soccer competition. Despite cold and wet conditions, the girls put in a great effort all day, drawing two matches with Oberon and Lara and losing their game against a strong Western Heights team.

Barwon House Awards
Suzuki Strings
Rive Abram and Addison Key are just 2 of the 11 members in our Suzuki Strings Ensemble this year. They are rehearsing every week in preparation for the Spring Music Concert held in Love Hall on the 9th September at 7pm. Everybody is invited.
We would love to see you there supporting all our instrumental/vocal students.

Year 9 & 10 Media Students
Year 12 Common Area
Senior Boys Netball
Our Senior sport went out earlier this Term, for many students it was their last time representing GHS.
Well done Senior Boys Netball!

Intermediate Girls Netball
Our Year 9 & 10 girls netball worked together to achieve great results during the intermediate interschool netball.
Taking away a few wins, this group of girls also showed their leadership, teamwork, and self-motivation throughout the day.

Senior Girls Soccer
Our Senior Girls Soccer Team played at Hume reserve earlier this Term!
Well done Girls

Pathway Information Evening
Students and parents attended with enthusiasm and excitement to research their pathway through and beyond Geelong High School. In one night students and parents attended workshops to learn about VET, VCE, VM and GHS subject choices in the junior school. Attendees had the opportunity to have conversations with Universities, TAFE, apprenticeship organisations and the Defence Force. Congratulations to all students and parents who attended, ensuring they are making informed decisions about their pathway.
Girls Who Ball
By Geelong United Basketball
Program Description:
The girls who bALL initiative is an introductory basketball program for women and young girls with a disability.
It features four x 45 minute sessions focusing on basic skill development, knowledge of the game, increasing confidence and building new friendships and connections amongst peers.
The participation program will be coordinated in full by women and girls to provide participants with confidence and a safe space to engage in basketball with like-minded people.
Program Specifics:
Dates - Wednesday 14, 21, 28 August & Wednesday 4th September.
Times - 4:00pm - 5:00pm.
Location - AWA Stadium
Registrations are now open to women and girls aged 8+ to participate in this fun-filled program, the expression of interest form can be completed here.

Youth Council