GHS Community Newsletter Issue #2
26th March, 2024
Principal's Report
Well done to all students and staff on what has been a great Term 1. There has been so many great activities and opportunities for students to demonstrate their amazing talents.
This term we have had Athletics and Swimming sports, which were both great days with excellent participation. Thanks to Ms Sonia Kinsey and all of the PE team for organising some amazing events.
A couple of weeks ago, we had our Year 6 to 7 Information Night. This was a great night with over 900 people attending to have a look at our amazing school. The night was successful due to all the staff and students who were able to talk about some of the fantastic learning opportunities that exists at Geelong High. A special thanks to the School Captains in their work on the night as MC’s and all of the students present. Thanks to Mr Steve Brown and Mr Lachlan Envall for organising the night.
Over the term we have had many other great activities such as the visits from 19 Japanese students who were part of lessons and did many activities around the school. The Year 12 Camp was a great success with the students being stretched in so many ways. Thanks to Ms Abby Graham, Ms Cat Yee and Mr Nick Ayerbe and all the staff who attended for making this a great experience. The Outdoor Education students in both Year 11 and 12 have been on a number of activities.
The school production rehearsals are well under way, and we are all looking forward to Alice by Heart and the amazing student performances.
Parent Teacher Interviews are in the last week of Term, and we expect all parents to attend these interviews. The best way to find out how your son/daughter is progressing at school is coming in to talk to their teachers and receive feedback on their strengths and areas of improvements.
Thank you to all parents who have provided some feedback for our school review, that will occur in Term 3. When more information is available, I will provide an update regarding the formal parent sessions. I just want to mention to all parents and carers, that the Wellbeing Team has organised a Breakfast Club every Monday and has been a great success so far this year. Cereal and Fruit are available for all students.
Over the holidays we will be doing some more facilities work with new fencing around the back of the school, painting of 4 classrooms and blinds in the science rooms. I have mentioned this before, and we continue to work to improve the toilets in the Winstanley building. We have applied for some grants to fix these toilets, which is over $500,000. It is a priority for the school.
There are a couple of staffing matters I wish to update the school community on. We thank Ms Abby Callaghan for her work in the Science area while Mr Gemmill has been on leave. We will still see Ms Callaghan around for a little longer before she travels overseas. Ms Rebecca Evans in Food is leaving us at the end of the term, and we are working on a replacement. We welcome Ms Jessica McCaskill’s in First Aid. We wish Mr Josh Grabowski the best as he takes up the role as Assistant Principal at Newcomb. Josh has made a huge difference to so many students and while a loss for us, it is great for Geelong High to develop the leaders of the future. Ms Katie Walsh will be taking up the role in charge of Student Voice and Agency and we all know what an amazing leader she is. We also say a sad goodbye to Ms Lauren Chapman who is leaving us after 8 years to take up a position at Geelong College. Lauren has led the Maths team for a number of years and has done an outstanding job.
Congratulations to Alex Aidt, who has been selected to perform their Theatre Studies Solo R.U.R. – Alquist at Top Class Drama and Theatre Studies 2024 at Melbourne Recital Centre.
Top Class is an annual concert series coordinated by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) showcasing outstanding performances by VCE and VCE VET students from schools across the state.
This year, 95 top performing students were invited to audition for Top Class Theatre Studies, and only 25 students were selected to perform. Selected performers exemplify the skill and creativity that can be achieved within the VCE curriculum.
Annual privacy reminder for our school community
Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions, or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.
Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy Policies- Geelong High describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn. We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Google Workspace for Education safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents.
School Councillors 2024
School Council is a vital way that parents are able to provide feedback or have issues raised for discussion. I thank all parents for their involvement on School Council.
Our Current School Councillors (Parent Representatives)
Ms Fiona Chipperfield - President
Mr Paul Davis
Mr Paul Henshaw
Ms Rachel Olsen
Ms Joanne Dahlstrom
Ms Reagan Cavagnino
Ms Rachel Smith
Ms Kelly Massey
I thank all of these members of our community for giving up their time and encourage any parents to raise any issue with them so it can be addressed appropriately.
Over the last two weeks, we have held Year 7 and 9 Naplan. As we are all aware this is just one measure of performance. The results for Naplan generally aren’t available until Term 3 and we will provide these when they are sent to the school.
I wish all families a Happy Easter and a safe and enjoyable break.
Geelong High is a child safe organisation committed to protecting students from all forms of abuse.
Our school has stringent protocols in place and endeavours at all times to be fully compliant with the Child Safe Standards set out under Ministerial Order 870.
Our School has the following documents and policies in place to achieve compliance with the Standards. All of these documents are available for downloading on our website or contact the school for a copy.
1. Commitment to Child Safety
2. Child Safety Policy
3. Child Safety Code of Conduct
4. Child Protection Policy and Procedures
Accelerated Learning Program 2025
Applications Now Open
Geelong High School's Accelerated Learning Program is a great opportunity for Grade 6 students who are looking for extra challenge in Years 7-9 and who are motivated and engaged learners that wish to be part of a program for like-minded students.

Some key characteristics of our ALP program are:
- Acceleration in the core subjects of Maths, English, Science and Humanities from Year 7
- More higher order thinking
- Less repetition of content
- Faster curriculum progression
- Opportunities for acceleration into the Senior Years
- A wide range of extracurricular extension opportunities
- A focus on deep learning and academic enrichment
What does acceleration mean at GHS?
Acceleration means progressing through curriculum and learning faster, having more challenging opportunities and more emphasis on leadership and higher order thinking skills. Students in the ALP will accelerate in English, Science, Maths and Humanities from Year 7-9 together as a class.
From Year 10 they will continue to be able to accelerate as part of our wider acceleration program across all subjects and open to all students.
What extracurricular activities can I get involved in?

Students will be able to take part in debating, Model United Nations, the entirely student run newspaper, World Scholars Cup, our peripatetic music tuition program, bands, our orchestra, the school production, a myriad of sporting teams and experiences, student leadership training and opportunities, ICAS assessment competitions, a wide range of lunchtime clubs, the Australian Mathematics Competition, The University of Melbourne Micro-Mathematicians Incursion and Maths Competition, Maths Games Day (Victorian Challenge and Enrichment) and activities such as chess club, manga anime club and more.
Accelerated Learning Program Course Structure and Eligibility

Student Eligibility
Accelerated Learning Programs are not for all students and whilst they can be rewarding, they can also be challenging as students will be expected to be self-motivated and independent learners. Two key parts of the program will be increased workload and faster curriculum coverage in the early years of secondary school and students must be prepared to engage positively with this extra challenge.
The ALP program is suited to students who:
- Are engaged by academic challenge
- Enjoy problem solving
- Are mature and committed to their learning
- Are motivated to achieve excellence
- Enjoy working alongside like-minded peers
- Thrive in independent and collaborative learning
How do I apply?
In 2024, Grade 6 students looking to be accepted into the GHS Accelerated Learning Program should apply either in the 'Round 1' cycle or 'Round 2' cycle of applications. Whilst all students may apply at any time, only students who live in the Geelong High School Zone can be considered for a place in Round 1 as part of a new initiative by the Department of Education. Please go to the Find My School website to see if you are within the zone for Geelong High School. Students who are not in the zone are still strongly encouraged to apply.
All students who apply must complete the application form on the school website and take it to the front office.
Round 1 (In Zone) Applications are due by Monday the 15th of April. Testing will be on Saturday the 27th of April.
Round 2 (Open) Applications are due by Monday the 22nd of July. Testing will be on Saturday the 10th of August.
When your primary school gives you your High School preference sheet, ensure that you put Geelong High School as your number one preference. There is also a test and interview for all candidates.
Please contact the school on geelong.hs@education.vic.gov.au with any questions or to request a phone call.
Athletics Day!
2024 ATHS DAY!
Beautiful weather! Great students! Elite athletes!
We ran the 2024 Athletics Carnival in fantastic conditions. Our students did an amazing job on the track setting a number of school records, while off the track animal costumes dominated the grandstands.
House results to be announced shortly. We hope you enjoy the photos taken by Neve, Joel and Cameron.
It was a day of track, field and fun as students from Barwon, Corio, Leigh and Moorabool competed for Best House honours. Filmed and edited by Media student Joel Watson
Seishin Group
Over the past two weeks, 19 students and 3 staff from our Friendship School in Japan, Seishin Gakuen, visited Geelong High School. The students from Seishin engaged in intensive English language classes, participated in language exchange and games classes with our students, baked ANZAC biscuits, painted boomerangs, joined in PE classes and went on excursions to Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre, Sovereign Hill and the Ballarat Wildlife Park.
The Principal of Seishin Gakuen, Mr. Araki, came to meet with Mr. Reid to discuss plans on how we can continue to grow the friendship between our two schools. Geelong High students will have the opportunity to visit Japan and Seishin Gakuen in the second half of 2025.
Year 12 Camp
Year 12 students have just returned from their overnight camp in Anglesea and Lorne. We kicked off the camp with Live Wire Park where students challenged themselves on high ropes courses and zip lines. Students encouraged each other and many conquered their fears.
The camp offered a dynamic blend of activities catering to diverse interests and skills. Students had the opportunity to surf, honing their balance and agility on the waves. For the more creative students, an art session provided a platform for self-expression and design. Additionally, lawn bowls offered a more relaxed yet strategic pursuit, fostering camaraderie and friendly competition among peers. Captains, Connor and Darcy led a cohort-based Trivia Night, which ensured plenty of laughs were had!
On Day 2, we walked from Anglesea to Point Roadknight, taking in the beautiful ocean and bush scenery. Beach games added an element of fun, encouraging teamwork and collaboration. Through these varied experiences, students not only demonstrated their life skills but also developed important interpersonal skills such as communication, cooperation, and leadership.
Great work, Class of 2024!
Be Bold Be Heard Forum

The Be Bold Be Heard initiative has now grown to include 15 schools and 140 students. It is fantastic for students to be involved and interact with such a diverse range of students from Geelong and surrounding schools and the following are the schools who participated in the first forum:
- Belmont High
- Bellarine Secondary College
- Clonard
- Geelong High
- Iona College
- Lara Secondary College
- Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College
- Newcomb Secondary College
- North Geelong Secondary College
- Sacred Heart
- Tarneit P-9
(Bannockburn, Northern Bay, Surf Coast and Western Heights all to join in term 2)
On 5th March, at GMHBA stadium our students took part in the first BBBH Forum for 2024. Nya Tut (North Geelong Secondary College student leader and member of BBBH) opened the day with an enthralling speech about her journey in BBBH and completing in her completion of the Kokoda trek that impressed students, staff and community leaders immensely.

The first Forum is to inspire students to start identifying changes they can make in class, college and community that they would like to pursue (to tackle gender difference in student engagement, voice and agency) and Nya certainly launched them into this successfully. Students were then given guidance and advice on starting to allocate roles within a working team and some team building activities, led by Respectful Relationships leaders Raelene Newton and Rachel Johnston (pictured below).

After a quick morning tea, students, filled with jam doughnuts, danishes and fruit received further inspirations from our guest panel.

From left to right:
- Mick O’Malley
- Renee Garing
- Lyndelle Zuccolin
- Allyson Brown
- Jade Hamilton
- Nova Clough
- Brad Headlam

Lyndelle Zuccolin, who is the founder and managing director of strategic management consultancy Just Add Colour and board director of Skate Australia and likes to challenge the way we think. Jade Hamilton, the General Manager of Lazarus Community Centre. A social worker who loves helping those that cannot help themselves encouraged students to ‘find their tribe’. Michelle Gerdtz is currently Chair for the AFL Barwon and eager to have netball equal to AFL in all the clubs. As many of the guests highlighted she also has had numerous roles in programs and from her experiences encouraged the students to “embrace those people who embrace you”, attach yourself to positive people and keep encouraging others”. Allyson Brown, the director of Everheal and the 4-Step LIFE formula programs. She encouraged the students to not let adversity be a barrier, embrace it positively, adapt and reset your journey. She told students to “set goals, know the why and do what you are passionate about”. Nova Clough is from the Geelong Project, which supports young people at risk of being homeless, stay in touch with their learning pathway. Her cheerful presence provided the girls with confidence to reach out to others for support, during tough circumstances and again highlighted the importance of being surrounded with the right people to achieve your own goals. Renee Garing, a PE teacher and ex-AFLW player for Geelong, talked of overcoming mental health challenges and also valued the importance of having the right people around you. Mick O’Malley, the first male panellist for BBBH was overwhelmed by the discussion and acknowledged that he had not really considered (regrettably) the female perspective until he had his own daughter. Mick organises Kokoda treks and was invited to speak about his approach to empowering young people during such gruelling journeys. He talked about friendships, and highlighted hardship in his teens that reaffirmed this. He shared a quote he recalled “show me your friends and it will tell me all about you”. In addition to this he encouraged the girls to really consider two things about yourself: “The Who and The Why”.
The guests then went from table to table answering all the questions the students had conjured up. This was excellent and the students even formed some positive potential partnerships to support their actions going forward.

Full of inspiration, the students had a fantastic lunch and then went into some structured ‘quick wins’ led by Respectful Relationship’s Rachel Johnston. Interestingly, the room was still buzzing at the end of a long day and some of the quick wins and goals discussed were really exciting.
While every school had a different goal they were wanting to achieve within their own school, we all supported each other wishing for the other schools to reach their goal. Geelong High School decided to focus on looking into a project to support the homeless after the inspirational story told by Jade Hamilton, the General Manager of Lazarus Community Centre. Other school goals included Sacred Heart looking at building resilience in students to receive and utilise feedback, North Geelong Secondary is exploring how to develop effective school mentors and Matthew Flinders is continuing to explore new goals whilst launching a new assessment and reporting process for semester 2.
In the spirit of the event the students have identified that they would prefer to run some of the forums in the future, have more diverse guests (not sporty), more activities and updated surveys (2024). These will, of course, be important structural changes hereafter.
Joining Be Bold Be Heard Group gives you the opportunity to try new things out of your comfort zone, meet new people, make friends and gives you a chance to help make changes to the school while also working with an amazing group of people who could have similar thoughts and opinions as you. Overall, every meeting we attend is always super fun and we can’t wait to attend the next meeting in term 2. If any student is looking at joining our amazing team, please reach out to one of the students in the photo below or speak to Ms Walsh, Ms Gopal or Ms Garcia.
Amalaini (10MA), Isabella (10MA) and Amelie (7MA) and the BBBH Group

Music Lessons
Music Lessons
Learn to play a musical instrument at Geelong High School! The benefits of learning a musical instrument are many. They include the development of fine motor co-ordination, superb aural training.
In addition, the art of learning to read music and transfer the symbols on the printed page into the physical act of playing is beneficial for the intellectual development of the child. As the student progresses, they will develop a greater sense of aesthetic and cultural appreciation. Other benefits include collaboration and the social involvement of making music with others, the development of self-discipline required to practice, enhanced self-esteem, and appreciation of music at a far higher level than could ever be learnt or experienced just from passive listening.
Music Lessons are available to all GHS students, Year 7 to 12 within our tuition program. Lessons are currently available on: Trumpet, Trombone, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Violin & Cello. No need to own an instrument, GHS Music program can hire these instruments to you. Tuition fees can also be placed on a payment plan through the administration office.
Be part of our Chamber Orchestra, Brass and Woodwind Ensemble and Suzuki Strings today!
Enrolment forms can be picked up in person at the administration office or requested to be emailed to you.

Vocal Group
We are running a Vocal Group every Wednesday Lunchtime, in the Music House! Please see the office for more information

Interschool Swimming
A massive day in the pool Friday 1st March for our school swimming squad. Geelong High finished 3rd overall amongst schools from the region which was a great result. Our Intermediate Boys came first overall with the 16 year Boys winning both relays. Well done to all our swimmers and support staff.

Year 8 Drama Excursion

On Tuesday the 5th of March, students in year 8 Drama travelled to The Malthouse Theatre in Melbourne to see the performance of The Hate Race by Maxine Beneba Clarke
Inspired by the best-selling, award-winning memoir by Australian writer and poet of Afro-Caribbean descent Maxine Beneba Clarke, The Hate Race is an unflinching exploration of the complexities of race in Australia, and the universal search for belonging. Making its theatrical premiere on the Malthouse stage, this powerful story stars Zahra Newman (Wake in Fright), accompanied by multidisciplinary performer and musician Kuda Mapeza. Zahra embodies all characters from the book with astonishing honesty and theatricality.
The Hate Race follows Maxine’s childhood in Sydney’s western suburbs, as she navigates the sting of otherness. From everyday street encounters to schoolyard battles, Maxine’s story exposes the realities of growing up the child of Black migrants in a predominantly white society. This inventive reimagining, filled with poetry, music and beats, invites audiences to experience Maxine’s world—exposing biases, challenging societal norms, and asking us to foster empathy and understanding as we seek an inclusive future.
The Hate Race is more than a theatrical experience—it is a call to action. This is how we change.

Class Clown Competition
Congratulations to Elvis Dellamarta (9BA) and Henry Lee (9MA) for presenting their comedy sketch in the Class Clowns competition at the Geelong Arts Centre on Saturday the 16th of March.
Class Clowns is Melbourne International Comedy Festival’s national development program for teens. Comprising a competition, workshop and mentoring program, Class Clowns plays a valuable role in supporting the confidence and creativity of young Australians - providing a channel for self-expression, a platform for amplifying the voices and perspectives of young people and a pathway for emerging Australian talent.
Congratulations again to both students, Geelong High School is very proud of you.

Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher
First Nations Workshop
On Wednesday the 6th of March, Geelong High Aboriginal Education Program gathered for their first session of the year. The students and staff set cultural goals for the year, begun planning for NAIDOC Week celebrations in preparation for July and explored a range of significant indigenous leaders within the wider community.
The program aims to ensure our First Nation students at Geelong High feel a deep sense of belonging, connection, and pride toward their culture.
(Photos courtesy Callan D).
Year 11 Coastal Camp
The Year 11 Outdoor Enviro class went on their Coastal camp a couple weeks ago to Kennett River.
Activities included:
- Conservational activities working with the Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority pulling out Sea Spurge and Marram Grass along the coast
- Surfing at Wye River
- Coastal walks
- Ecology session along Kennett River
- High Ropes course
- Visiting and learning about the local natural environment.
Year 8 Careers
Year 8 Careers Extravaganza
All Year 8 students participated in the Careers Extravaganza. Students researched their Career Action plan, completed personality quizzes and researched industry areas. Each student had the opportunity to participate in practical problem solving challenges that saw them develop their employability skills. Congratulations to 8 MA, CA and BA for winning the local industry and jobs challenge.
A sensational effort Year 8, well done.
Bach String Ensemble
It was so exciting to play the Bach Brandenburg Concerto in the Foyer of Shenton Theatre. The acoustics were fabulous!
Thank you to all the lovely families that came through and enjoyed our performance and a big thank you to Liz Monument, our harpsichord accompanist, who took this fabulous photo of us in action.

New Writers Collective

Congratulations to Nita-Lee Makai (9BB), Tobi Haynes (9MA) and Lillian Stoel (12MA) who have been accepted into the New Writers Collective program in 2024.
The New Writers Collective (NWC) is a writing program for live performance that supports young women, female-identifying, non-binary and trans-people between the ages of 13 to 21. The NWC will have a series of workshops across the year in which they will work alongside professional playwrights to write and develop a play. Following the end of their workshops, a professional director and actors will perform a public presentation of excerpts of the plays as a “moved reading” for a live audience at The Channel in Melbourne.
We wish you all the best with the program and we look forward to hearing about your experiences.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher
Paradise Lots

Congratulations to Lillian Stoel (12MA) who took part in Pony Cam Collective’s performance of Paradise Lots in January.
Experimental theatre company Pony Cam collaborated with a group of young artists to transform an urban car park into a large-scale performance space. Audiences were confronted with a series of intimate performance works that challenged unchecked assumptions about youth.
Paradise Lots is an experience trapped between teenage cynicism and middle-aged optimism; an apocalyptic fantasia set inside a teenage dystopia.
Lillian took part in a 10-day collaborative process of theatre making, rehearsal and performance with the award-winning Pony Cam theatre collective.
Congratulations Lillian, what a great opportunity.
Harmony Day in the Library
Harmony Day 21st March 2024
On the 21st of March, we celebrated the beautiful tapestry of cultures that make our school so special! Together, with respect and understanding, we create a place where everyone belongs. Students were encouraged to embrace our differences and learn from each other. By sharing our cultures, we create a richer learning environment and a stronger sense of community.
Remember, everyone belongs here!
Year 10 Media
Our 10 Media students have been experimenting with light paint photography. The results are stunning!

Chamber Orchestra
The Chamber Orchestra is so excited about their new performance space.
Feel free to come and see your rehearsals every Monday 3.30pm – 5.00pm.

Year 8 Japanese Incursion
Year 10 Biology

Year 7 Beach Days
On week 3 & 4, our Year 7's from Moorabool and Corio House went down to Torquay Beach for a day of learning how to surf!
Click the links below to see how the days went...
Year 7 Moorabool Surf Day Video
Year 10 Foundation Maths
In week 5 & 6, our Year 10 Foundation Maths students went to the Eastern Gardens to estimate bat numbers as part of their Statistic unit!
Bellarine Performing Arts
Our mission at Bellarine Performing Arts is to enrich the lives of young performers in a fun, safe and creative environment. Whether it’s expanding abilities or building confidence, we are here to enhance our community by providing theatre arts education, dance, musical theatre, vocal training and performance opportunities.
For more information and enrolments visit our website at:

April School Holiday Program

Junior Engineers