GHS Community Newsletter Issue #2
24th February, 2022
A Message From The Principal #2
Principal’s Message Week 4 Term 1
These past two weeks have seen us settle into many of our normal school routines and I am pleased to report that, so far, we have avoided a surge in positive cases across the school. The next big test will be the removal of face masks effective as of next week, which will be widely welcomed by students and staff even though, as we know, it comes with some risks. An increase in case numbers may be a consequence. It will continue to be important for students and staff to complete the two RATs each week to monitor the impact of the relaxing of these measures. Please note that students will still be required to wear a face mask when travelling to and from school by public transport.
Attendance - Is perhaps the single most important aspect of maintaining continuity of learning. Without being present at school it is very difficult for students to keep up with their work and for teachers to support them in that learning. Unless students are quarantining because they have covid or are a close contact, they need to be at school from both an educational and wellbeing perspective.
Are you a past student or staff member of Geelong High?
If yes, then you can be a Silver Gulls Alum of Geelong High School.
Students and staff of Geelong High School are alum of the school. Each year graduating students complete an application form that automatically enables them to join the Silver Gulls Alumni at no cost. In subsequent years, at a minimal cost of $20, all former students and staff are able to maintain membership for life. This includes a regular newsletter updating alumni on what is happening in the school and providing insight into the careers of former students and staff.
School Council Elections 2022
Would you like to nominate for School Council?
School Council resolved at its December meeting of 2021 to have the new School Council for 2022 in place for the March meeting. We are therefore calling for any interested and energetic parents, community members, students and teachers to fill the three parent vacancies, four community vacancies, two student vacancies and two DET vacancies. Retiring councillors may be eligible for re-election.
School Council President Fiona Chipperfield and I would love to hear from any one prepared to nominate for the vacancies. Being a member of Council means more than attending a meeting once a month. It is a real opportunity to participate in developing policy and having direct input into the decision-making of the school at a very exciting period in the school’s development. Demanding certainly, but also richly satisfying.
We need people with drive and ideas to help the school achieve its Vision.
Thursday March 3rd is the last meeting of our current Council. There are 6 parent representatives; 4 DET (staff) representatives plus the principal; up to 4 Community reps (including two School Captains) and 2 student reps on council. Representatives are elected for two years with about half the representatives retiring each year, to maintain continuity of council.
For 2022 - Elected members continuing are:
- Ms Fiona Chipperfield
- Ms Kelly Massey
- One Year vacancy
Staff (DET Employees)
- Mr Andrew McConchie
- Mr Steven Brown
- Giles Istid
Not continuing
Those retiring after their term has expired and eligible for re-election in 2022 are:
- Mr Paul Davis
- Mr Paul Henshaw
- Ms Jenny Trezise
Staff (DET)
- Ms Kelly Montano
- Ms Bernice Brown
Community Representatives (not elected)
4 x Vacant positions (includes 2 positions reserved for School Captains/Vice Captains)
Student Representatives
1 x vacant position – 2 years
There are therefore four Parent vacancies, two DET employee vacancies and one student vacancy.
Nomination forms may be accessed from the school website https://www.geelonghigh.vic.edu.au/community/school-council
or collected from the Administration Office in the week commencing 7th February, 2022.
Please note that nominations close at 4pm Friday, 4th March, 2022.
Glenn Davey
Guys & Dolls
Congratulations to all of those students who have been brave enough to audition for this years musical production of Guys and Dolls. It was an incredibly difficult show to cast as we had an overwhelming amount of talent. If you enjoyed The Addams Family last year then you are in for a treat with this show. You will be seeing many familiar faces back on the stage this year but will also be surprised by some new ones. With a current cast of 45 students, this will be our biggest show yet.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher
Assistant House Leader - Corio

Cast Announcement
Principal Cast
Nathan Detroit: Alex Aidt
Miss Adelaide: Lykeira Shannon
Sarah Brown: Genaya Rowbottom
Sky Masterson: Harry Jones
Supporting Cast
Nicely-Nicely Johnson: Matt Aidt
Benny Southstreet: Gabe Pope
Harry the Horse/Joey Biltmore: Lachlan Roncon
Big Jule: Jacoby Hay
Arvide Abernathy: Neve Whittaker
Lt. Brannigan: Blake Schulz
Rusty Charlie: Lachlan Sheridan
Angie the Ox: Kaden Morgan
Society Max: Julius Mazarigle
General Cartwright: Deni Holland
Master of Ceremonies: Elliot Tenney
Mimi: Charli Harper
Agatha: Ashleigh Stokes
Ensemble Cast
Ensemble A The Mission |
Ensemble B Broadway People |
Ensemble C Crapshooters |
Ensemble D Hot Box |
Ashleigh Stokes Lexi Carroll Isabelle Ambrose Siobhan Bodnar Sahara Percy Makayla Ordner Georgia Smith Ashlie Hose Evie Mckone |
Caden Thorpe Elliot Tenney Jazmine Hickey Mikaela Witt Amy Hicks Tia Jackman Lillie Speedie Mika Stowers Amy Farago Evie Lehman Celeste Pearson Deni Holland |
Jacoby Hay Lachlan Sheridan Kaden Morgan Julius Mazarigle Jayden Garvey Jason Boots Zach Edwards-Bone |
Charli Harper Eva Aidt Keelie Dunn Madison Garvey Montana Olsen Melaia Nacagilevu Chloe Rutter Nina Magor |
7LB STEM - App, App & Away
On the 18th of February, 7LB visited the Geelong Tech School (GTS) to undertake a program called ‘App, App and Away’. This excursion is one of many that GHS students have the opportunity to attend, as part of our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) program.
In App, App and Away students designed, then built the interface for an app. They were then able to view and interact these apps on a mobile phone.
STEM is the fastest growing industry in the world and many jobs in this field are currently unfilled, due to the lack of trained people and the rapid growth of technology.
Geelong High School has a comprehensive STEM program, which sees all Year 7 students undertaking a 5 week ‘Digital Technology’ class, followed up with electives at every year level up to Year 12.
Our partnership with the Geelong Tech School is part of the STEM program, which gives us access to high end technology that we wouldn’t ordinarily have access to. The GTS is one of 10 around the state, designed to help address the shortage of STEM related skills and give better job opportunities for Victorian students.
Teaching and Learning Update
Teaching and Learning Update

We hope you have enjoyed the start to 2022 and that your classes have been going well across the first few weeks. It has been great to see lessons in action again across all year levels and the wider extra-curricular programme of the school making a good start as well. We hope all students enjoyed the Swimming Carnival and it has been great to see so many signing up to be a part of our diverse and rich music instrumental programme.
Common Assessment Tasks
A number of changes have occurred in terms of assessment this year for students in Year 7 to Year 10. In line with departmental guidelines, Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) are now graded using Victorian Curriculum Levels. Schools are required to report on Victorian Curriculum Levels regularly across the year and this will make it easier for students to see how they are progressing in each assessment task.
In general, students should be aiming to achieve the level equal to their year group, by the end of the year. So, a student who achieves a Level 7 by the end of Year 7, is equalling the average attainment of all Year 7’s across the state. The following table explains what level students should achieve by the end of their school year, to equal the average attainment for that age group.
Victorian Curriculum Level | Year Group (Age) |
6.5 | Mid Year 7 |
7 | End of Year 7 |
7.5 | Mid Year 8 |
8 | End of Year 8 |
8.5 | Mid Year 9 |
9 | End of Year 9 |
9.5 | Mid Year 10 |
10 | End of Year 10 |
10.5 | On track for a B or above at VCE |
11 | On track for a B+ or above at VCE |
11.5 | On track for an A or above at VCE |

At Geelong High School we aim through our assessment processes to focus on growth, and urge students to think less about how they are progressing in comparison to the average for their age group, and more about their achievement, their effort and their own aspirations. Whilst Victorian Curriculum Levels will help them know more about how they are progressing, we will also be increasing the focus on how to act on feedback and achieve personal academic targets over the next year.
Students will also find that Common Assessment Tasks are more regular, shorter and more regularly completed in timed conditions to allow for more opportunities for students to grow and progress.
Tutor Learning Initiative
In 2022 we were pleased to receive extra funding from the State Government to continue the Tutor Learning Initiative. Tutors have started their work already with a focus in Term 1 towards Year 8 and 9 students who have been disadvantaged by remote learning. VCE students are able to gain access to tutors through asking their teachers who can make a referral, and all other year groups are invited to join the after school sessions on Monday and Tuesday in K1 and K2.
We were pleased to be able to reappoint Julie Cook, Maureen O'Connor, Ari Englemen and Petar Popovic to help support our students to overcome the challenges of remote learning. A huge thank you to all staff who have been involved and congratulations to our students who have made the most of this valuable resource.
Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS)
Geelong High School was also pleased to appoint two teachers to help support students with Literacy and Numeracy in Year 8, 9 and 10. In 2022 our MYLNS Literacy Teacher Ms Murray will work closely with students on literacy skills with a view towards helping them target their VCE and vocational aspirations. Ms McLure will be working similarly with students in Numeracy. A huge thank you to families and carers who have welcomed the work of our MYLNS teachers and we look forward to a great year for those students involved.
Phonics Programme
In 2021 Ms Murray also led the implementation of Macqulit, a phonics programme for building foundation language knowledge. After the success of the trial, this year we are providing access to students in Year 7 and 8 starting from Term 1. If you would like to be involved in the programme and believe your child would benefit, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.
Disability Inclusion Fund
Geelong High School is also part of the pilot project for the Disability Inclusion Fund, another state government initiative to support student growth in education. The Disability Fund has allowed our school to improve its capacity to work with students with additional needs and we have been pleased to appoint Ms Jepsen last year as the Disability Inclusion Coordinator and Mr Haig this year as the Learning Specialist of Disability Inclusion. We welcome them both to the school and look forward to further being able to support students who face challenges with their learning.
Report online harm
eSafety helps Australians prevent and deal with harm caused by serious online abuse or illegal and restricted online content.
This includes cyberbullying of children, adult cyber abuse and image-based abuse (sharing, or threatening to share, intimate images without the consent of the person shown).
Parent resources

Downloadable resources to help you start the chat about online safety issues and strategies with your child.
On this page:
Report a complaint about serious online abuse or illegal and restricted online content. You can follow a few easy steps to help you choose the best report form.
VCE 2021 Awards
Did You Know??
Did you know?
The date on Tuesday 22 February 2022 is both a palindrome and an ambigram?
The date will read the same from left to right, from right to left AND upside down!

Do you have an interesting "Did you know?" that you would like to share?
Send your suggestions to deanne.davis@education.vic.gov.au
SchoolTV - Understanding Adolescence
Adolescence is the transitional stage of development that is usually associated with the teenage years. In 2018, the Australian Curriculum Assessment Authority, redefined adolescence as affecting young people aged between 10-24 years. During this time, they experience rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial growth which affects how teenagers feel, think, make decisions and interact with the world around them.
During adolescence, a child's brain can be considered as being “under-construction”. The rate at which this progresses will vary depending on the individual and also their gender. As a result, some parents may view adolescence as stressful or difficult. However, it does not need to be. Setting boundaries, implementing consistent monitoring and maintaining a strong and loving connection will help families adjust during this time.
It is also an important time to keep the communication lines open through clear and age appropriate conversations. Speak openly about changes that they are experiencing and be conscious of their mental health as many of the conditions people confront in adulthood, can begin to manifest in adolescence.
In this edition of SchoolTV, adult carers can learn how to guide and best support their young person as they transition through adolescence. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to this month's edition https://geelonghigh.vic.schooltv.me/newsletter/understanding-adolescence