Year 8 Drama Excursion
Year 8 Drama Excursion
On Monday the 6th of June, the Year 8 Drama class visited the Arts Centre Melbourne to take part in a Bunraku puppetry workshop. Bunraku is a traditional Japanese puppetry technique in which three puppeteers work together to bring a half life-size puppet to life. Students learnt how to operate a puppet using the Bunraku technique. Students were also able to craft and create their own puppets that they incorporated into a performance.
Geelong High School is supported by the First Call Funds subsidy through Melbourne Arts Centre. This subsidy program ensures that all Victorian students can benefit from participating in remarkable experiences at Arts Centre Melbourne.
A fantastic experience to all involved and a special thank you to Mr. Alex Stanford and Ms. Jodie Vagg for attending this event.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher