Also in this Section
- A Message From Our School Council President
- Year 10 Studio Art
- School Captains 2023
- Immunisation Collection Statement 2023
- Host a Japanese Student
- Winc. Education 2023
- Did You Know??
- Missed Immunisation
- Class Above Driving School
- Thomson Football & Netball Club
- Geelong Sports Hub
- 13th Beach Golf Links - Junior Girls’ Golf Scholarships
- Protecting against Mosquito-Bourne Diseases
- Curlewis Golf Club Scholarship Program
Curlewis Golf Club Scholarship Program
The Curlewis Golf Club Australian is offering a Golf Foundation Junior Girls Golf Scholarship program.
Curlewis Golf Club’s mission is to provide girls between the age of 10 to 16 with the opportunity to start or continue their golfing journey with a group of girls a similar age.
The scholarship will provide a year’s membership and four school terms of tuition at Curlewis Golf Club throughout 2023.
We invite any girl who may be interested in a golf scholarship to apply.
Further details of the scholarship program are attached.
Applications close on 6th December 2022.
Interested students can get an application form from Ms Cameron or Deb in the careers office.