A Message From The Principal #3
Principal’s Message – Week 6, Term 1
Welcome GHS Community,
Recent & Coming Events
All year 7 classes have now had a Beach day and, at the other end of the school, the year 12 students have had, or are about to have, their House Dinner. These are important social and cultural events for the school and it has been great to see students and staff getting involved. At Geelong High School we try and make sure there are memorable moments at each year level. This has been harder to achieve in the last two years so a focus for this year is to get back to doing as many of our traditional events as possible. One of these is our annual House Athletics Sports which will be held on Tuesday 15th March (next Tuesday). Parents are very welcome to attend but are asked to observe the social distancing protocol.
COVID Report
We continue to record low numbers of students and staff testing positive or having to quarantine due to a positive case within the household. My thanks to parents and carers for maintaining your vigilance, doing regular RATs, and keeping students at home if there are any symptoms of covid. While we are no longer wearing face masks at school (though some choose to do so) we are continuing our cleaning and personal hygiene regime.
Gastro Outbreak
You may be aware that there has been a wave of gastro spreading through Geelong that has impacted schools, including ours. Health advice is that students show signs of light headedness and a headache with intense vomiting or diarrhoea. Symptoms dissipate quickly but the recommendation is that students do not attend school for 24 hours following an episode.
School Council Elections 2022 Update
At the close of nominations we have received just one nomination for the three parent representatives on school council. I am therefore extending the nominations for a further two weeks with nominations closing on Friday 18th March. If there are more applicants than positions, a ballot will be held the following week.
Attendance - Is perhaps the single most important aspect of maintaining continuity of learning. Without being present at school it is very difficult for students to keep up with their work and for teachers to support them in that learning. Unless students are quarantining because they have covid or are a close contact, they need to be at school from both an educational and wellbeing perspective.
Glenn Davey