- A Message from the Principal
- School Saving Bonus
- Elevate: Parent Webinars
- Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship
- Art and Tech Show
- Science Club
- Moorabool House Fundraiser
- MAV Enrichment Games
- VET Dance Showcase
- Spring Music Concert
- Year 11 Biology Werribee Zoo Excursion
- Year 8 Volleyball
- Victorian College of the Arts
- What's Happening at the Library?
- Police vs Student Netball
- Taiko Drumming Incursion
- Building Project Group
- Year 11 OES Snow Camp
- Student Bulletin
- Science Week
- Parliament House Delegation
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- GAWS Bake Sale
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- Biolab
- Blended Arts Education
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Year 8 Drama Excursion
Victorian College of the Arts
Theatre Outreach Program (Portland House)
On Thursday the 12th of September 21 students across year 10, 11 & 12 interested in acting, participated in an afterschool workshop at Geelong High School with the Victorian College of the Arts.
The Theatre Outreach Program supported Portland House seeks to diversify the pool of who a performing artist can be. Through this program, students were introduced to a diverse group of recent VCA Graduates, all now working as artists who supported students with monologue preparation for auditions.
The program has already seen immense success across many other schools, and has provided ample opportunities to young theatre makers. Attendees of the program have had curated tutelage, and have as a result, been accepted into some of the finest graduate theatre programs across the country.
A big thank you to the VCA for this enriching program. We look forward to workshop #2 next term.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher