Also in this Section
- A Message from the Principal
- School Saving Bonus
- Elevate: Parent Webinars
- Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship
- Art and Tech Show
- Science Club
- Moorabool House Fundraiser
- MAV Enrichment Games
- VET Dance Showcase
- Spring Music Concert
- Year 11 Biology Werribee Zoo Excursion
- Year 8 Volleyball
- Victorian College of the Arts
- What's Happening at the Library?
- Police vs Student Netball
- Taiko Drumming Incursion
- Building Project Group
- Year 11 OES Snow Camp
- Student Bulletin
- Science Week
- Parliament House Delegation
- Year 10 Media Light Paint Session
- Book Week
- GAWS Bake Sale
- Year 8 Girls Basketball
- Biolab
- Blended Arts Education
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Year 8 Drama Excursion
Spring Music Concert
Spring Music Concert Success
The Music Department would like to thank all the students, parents, caregivers, extended families, and staff for all their support this year. The Spring Music Concert was spectacular and displayed the very high level of talent we have here at GHS. Please keep an eye out for our videos and photos that will be posted throughout Term 4 and follow our musical journey.