- A Message from the Principal
- School Saving Bonus
- Elevate: Parent Webinars
- Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship
- Art and Tech Show
- Science Club
- Moorabool House Fundraiser
- MAV Enrichment Games
- VET Dance Showcase
- Spring Music Concert
- Year 11 Biology Werribee Zoo Excursion
- Year 8 Volleyball
- Victorian College of the Arts
- What's Happening at the Library?
- Police vs Student Netball
- Taiko Drumming Incursion
- Building Project Group
- Year 11 OES Snow Camp
- Student Bulletin
- Science Week
- Parliament House Delegation
- Year 10 Media Light Paint Session
- Book Week
- GAWS Bake Sale
- Year 8 Girls Basketball
- Biolab
- Blended Arts Education
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Year 8 Drama Excursion
Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship

Congratulations to Mikael Stowers (10LA) who has been a successful applicant of the Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship Course.
The annual Youth Scholarship Course delivered by Melbourne Theatre Company is a life-changing week of drama workshops in Melbourne. The course provides an opportunity for young people with limited access to the arts to learn and develop drama skills, gain confidence, self-awareness and self-expression whilst building friendships and a lifelong affinity for theatre.
Mikael will be attending the program from Monday 30 September – Friday 4 October 2024 and has been provided accommodation for the week courtesy of Melbourne Theatre Company.
Congratulations Mikael, what a great opportunity, we look forward to hearing all about your experience.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher