- A Message from the Principal
- School Saving Bonus
- Elevate: Parent Webinars
- Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship
- Art and Tech Show
- Science Club
- Moorabool House Fundraiser
- MAV Enrichment Games
- VET Dance Showcase
- Spring Music Concert
- Year 11 Biology Werribee Zoo Excursion
- Year 8 Volleyball
- Victorian College of the Arts
- What's Happening at the Library?
- Police vs Student Netball
- Taiko Drumming Incursion
- Building Project Group
- Year 11 OES Snow Camp
- Student Bulletin
- Science Week
- Parliament House Delegation
- Year 10 Media Light Paint Session
- Book Week
- GAWS Bake Sale
- Year 8 Girls Basketball
- Biolab
- Blended Arts Education
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Year 8 Drama Excursion
What's Happening at the Library?
Premiers Reading Challenge.
From the start of April to the 6th of September, all students were invited to partake in the Premiers Reading Challenge. The goal for the students was to read 15 books, and 3 students completed the challenge:
- Mae Sutherland
- Matilda Vistarini
- Charlotte Spencer

Well done to these students for taking on the challenge and to Mae Sutherland for being the first to complete it.
Well done to the students who completed their 3000-piece puzzle after approximately a terms worth of lunchtimes.
- Charlie
- Madison Salt
- Blake Huddart

There is no rest for these students as they are already onto their next puzzle, which is double-sided.
VR Headset
We welcomed students into the world of VR on the 4th of September through the Geelong Regional Library’s activity program. Students from all classes were invited to the library at lunch to try out the VR headset and experience first-hand the advancements in technology.

A Move to Less Screen time
Recently in the Library, we have made it a goal to lessen screen time for students at recess and lunch. To do so, we have asked that students do not play computer games in the library at recess and lunch and instead try other activities such as reading, playing board/card games and talking to their friends. After implementing this change, we have noticed a more calmer and positive atmosphere in the library.

If you have any suggestions for non-computer related games and activities, or any books, please let the librarians know as they are currently on the lookout to increase their collection.
Book Week Creative Challenge
For book week we invited students to participate in a book week challenge responding to this year’s prompt ‘Reading is Magic’. Students could draw, paint or even write a piece for the competition. Our winner were:
- Chloe Allen
- Siobhan Bodnar
- Ruby Stabenow
- Charlie Maskell (not pictured)