- A Message from the Principal
- School Saving Bonus
- Elevate: Parent Webinars
- Melbourne Theatre Company Youth Scholarship
- Art and Tech Show
- Science Club
- Moorabool House Fundraiser
- MAV Enrichment Games
- VET Dance Showcase
- Spring Music Concert
- Year 11 Biology Werribee Zoo Excursion
- Year 8 Volleyball
- Victorian College of the Arts
- What's Happening at the Library?
- Police vs Student Netball
- Taiko Drumming Incursion
- Building Project Group
- Year 11 OES Snow Camp
- Student Bulletin
- Science Week
- Parliament House Delegation
- Year 10 Media Light Paint Session
- Book Week
- GAWS Bake Sale
- Year 8 Girls Basketball
- Biolab
- Blended Arts Education
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Year 8 Drama Excursion
Blended Arts Education
Year 7 & 8 Drama Workshop
Every child and young person – no matter their background or circumstance – deserves a chance to participate in quality arts education.
The Victorian Government committed an additional $1.97 million to continue to provide a suite of outreach and virtual programs to improve educational outcomes for rural and regional students. This builds on the $3.74 million provided over the last four years. The Blended Arts Education Program is funded through the Rural and Regional Education Reform budget.
Quality dance and drama education engages, inspires, and enriches students to reach their creative and expressive potential.
On Monday the 9th of September, students in Year 7 and 8 took part in a Drama incursion run by Claire Wearne from Drama Victoria as part of the Blended Arts Education Program. Students were able to build upon the understandings of Drama as an art form as they explored a range of creative and expressive activities.
Thank you to Claire, Drama Victoria and Blended Arts Education for the enriching opportunity.
Tessa Kirk
Performing Arts Teacher