Also in this Section
- A Message from the Principal
- Graduation
- Victorian Challenge & Enrichment Maths Games Day – Virtual Edition
- GPEP Central Australia Trip
- VM Geelong Food Relief
- Celebration Day
- Be Bold Be Heard Forum
- Library Activities
- Rec Sports Bushwalk Camp
- 7BB Art/Technology
- Intermediate Basketball
- Junior Girls Cricket
- Junior Boys Cricket
- Intermediate Hockey
- Intermediate Table Tennis
- Barwon Beyond Blue Fundraiser
- Doctors in Schools
- Spring Music Concert
- 3219 Footy Clinic
- PSW Summer Holiday Trading Hours
Junior Boys Cricket
The Year 8 boys junior team (combo of Year 7/8) played in the first stage of the Geelong division cricket competition under the skilful eye of Tony Kilfoyle.
They played an excellent day of cricket and managed to beat Western Heights and North Geelong to get the opportunity to play in the Geelong finals on Friday.
We wish them all the best!! Go Geelong High.