- A Message from the Principal
- Science Week: 14th-18th August
- Production 2023
- Year 7 Fitbit Activities
- Vocational Major Work Placement
- Outdoor Enviro Ecosystem Walk
- Year 10 BioLab Excursions
- VCE VM Design To Thrive
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- Be Bold Be Heard
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- A Big Thank You!
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- GHS Spring Music Concert
Year 10 BioLab Excursions
By Lauren Chapman – Maths LAL/Learning Specialist
As part of their study of Statistics, the Year 10 Core and Advanced Maths students attended the Inner Sanctum program at BioLab in Belmont. Inner Sanctum demonstrates the various techniques used by sports psychologists to train athletes and the materials used to monitor and improve stress responses, such as Batak, FitLights and FitBits.
Once students completed the various BioLab tasks, they organised, analysed and represented their own quantitative data. This was a great hands-on experience which our skilled maths teachers were able to relate to their studies in the classroom. Mr. Allitt, Mr. D’Offay, Mr. Kearney, Mr. Kilfoyle and Mr. Timmers assisted students in collating class data with the use of technology and taught students how to use excel to create boxplots, stem and leaf plots, scatterplots and back-to-back column graphs. Students were able to draw conclusions and make generalisations supported by their data displays.
These rich learning experiences expose students to the relevance of mathematics outside of the classroom and we thank BioLab for providing us with the opportunity to engage students with real-world experiences which prepare them for life (Vitae Nos Parat).