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Subject Selection
Subject Selections 2025
Dear Parents, Carers and GHS Students,
Subject selections for 2025 and Course Counselling are starting now in Term 3 so please take a moment to read this carefully to understand what you need to do in order to choose subjects and pathways that work best for your child. This is relevant only for students from Year 8 to 11.
All Year 8, 9 and 10 families will be required to book and attend a Course Counselling Interview. These will take place in WEEK 3. Parents and carers are required to accompany students as they choose their subjects and pathways for 2025. The interview will take 15 minutes and students are not required to attend classes for the duration of that day - regular lessons will be cancelled for that year group. The interviews run from 11am till 7pm and will be held in the Kroger Building Atrium. Student can attend these 15-minute interviews in casual clothes.
Year 11 students will also book and attend an interview on Monday 29th July (WEEK 3). Year 11 students do not require a parent or carer to attend the interview as they have planned their pathway previously. Interview bookings can be made outside of Senior Years office (in the Library) on a sign up sheet. The interview will take 10 minutes. Classes will run as normal on Monday 29th July for all Year 11 students. The interviews run from 9am till 3pm and will be held in the Kroger Building Atrium.
Compass bookings are now open for parents and carers of students in Year 8, 9 or 10 to select an interview time of 15 minutes with their course counsellor. To make a booking go to Compass, Conferences and Book a Time.
Key Dates:
Year 11 into 12 Interviews: Monday, 29th of July (Parents/Carers are not required to attend these interviews – students sign up for a time outside the Senior Years Office in the Library)
Year 10 into 11 Interviews: Tuesday, 30th of July (Parents/Carers Required)
No Year 10 classes running Tuesday 30th July
Year 8 into 9 Interviews: Wednesday, 31st of July (Parents/Carers Required)
No Year 8 classes running Wednesday 31st July
Year 9 into 10 Interviews: Thursday, 1st August (Parents/Carers Required)
No Year 9 classes running Thursday 1st August
Prior to their Course Counselling appointment, all students will receive a hard copy of a Home Group Course Counselling Form that they will work on in Home Group to draft out their subject choices. Home Group teachers will provide initial support in this process and all students should show these options to their parents or carers to ensure their choices help support strong pathways. The completed form must then be brought to the Course Counselling Interview to be discussed with the Course Counsellor before being confirmed. Please note that no course selections will be confirmed for Year 8, 9 and 10 students without a parent or carer present - these interviews are compulsory.
How can I support my child?
o Use the Curriculum Handbook to learn about what choices and pathways are available (it is available on the school website, and in School Resources on Compass; '2025 Course Counselling' under the pencil icon)
o Discuss your child’s subject choices with their Home Group Course Counselling Form next to them and edit where appropriate to ensure their choices meet the rules outlined
o Discuss carefully with them their reserve choices, these may be required
o Discuss with your child their intended pathways and aspirations and how these subject choices help them achieve those goals
o Discuss with your child the order of their subject choices; those listed higher will be prioritised if clashes do arise
o View your child’s last report on Compass and discuss if their subject choices and intended pathways provide appropriate challenge
o Please contact your child’s House Leader if you are unable to make this date to schedule an alternative appointment.
It is compulsory that students attend this course counselling day with a parent or carer, or their course will not be entered. All courses will be entered electronically on the day by the course counsellor, and signed off by the parent/carer and student.
Please note these further special requirements before course counselling day:
o Year 9, 10 and 11 students wishing to complete a VET course or School Based Apprenticeship in 2025 need to complete appropriate paperwork – please see Ms Cameron to collect it.
All the best and we look forward to seeing you at your chosen Course Counselling Interview time