SBAT - School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships
Geelong High School offers School Based Traineeships to the most appropriate and suitable applicants. A part-time School-based Traineeships is usually completed over one to two years by secondary students. Students are required to complete a minimum of 13 hours of paid work and training per week averaged over the duration of the SBAT contract. A student can commence a SBAT as early as Year 10. However, in order to be signed up as a SBAT, the student will be expected to undertake VCE or VCE VM program studies in the subsequent school year/s while completing their SBAT. Up to one school day per week may be allocated to complete the majority of these hours. The balance of these hours is undertaken after school and/or on the weekends. These hours can be undertaken during school holidays. Whilst ‘on the job’, students are also required to complete training modules that are delivered by contracted Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
SBAT are usually Certificate III qualifications that should be considered as the credit equivalent of studying a Unit 1/2 or Unit 3/4 subject. They may also attain an ATAR score bonus upon completion of these qualifications.
The completion of a SBAT may also provide the student with a better chance of gaining a full-time apprenticeship/traineeship, as the acquisition of transferable, work ready skills, are looked upon favourably by many potential employers